Fishing the Salmo Slider JerkbaitUsually the Slider is fished with a regular series of rod strokes while retrieving the line quickly, the rod strokes should be quite energetic and fast.
Before fishing proper you should always make a few casts and practise retrieves in clear water to watch the Slider’s behaviour and get your timing right. When you do the Slider will turn acutely from side to side, each turn at a right angle to the direction of retrieve. Do not allow slack line to form after each jerk, for one thing it is important to have a tight line so you can set the hook when you have a take but also the sharp turns of the Slider can take it back over the line and may tangle if it is not properly controlled.
Other ‘schools’ of Slider fishing have developed, the Slider works so well that many different styles of retrieve will work under different conditions. Whatever style you choose and find effective you should concentrate to make sure you maintain that style, so you must be aware of your Slider’s behaviour at all times. While fishing with a Slider retrieve the line at high speed. After each jerk the lure will make acute turns to both sides, so it will be moving towards you relatively slowly. Use this unfailing trick – while retrieving the line with constant speed, jerk a couple of times stronger, then 2-3 times a little bit weaker. This kind of varied action of your lure will not allow any pike in the vicinity to stay indifferent to it.
The style of retrieve pattern that you choose is very important, for instance when water temperatures are very low (2 When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community.