Okay, so we’re now only four weeks away from the event. The line up so far includes: Graham Marsden
We reckon we can squeeze another two, maybe three, pupils in as we don’t want to overcrowd the water too much, but some of the above are only doing one night, so we’ll see what we can do. The event is being sponsored by RMC angling. RMC Angling manager Ian Welch has been kind enough to give us exclusive use of the Blue Pool for the whole three day event. The Blue Pool is a lovely looking, prolific (until I get there eh Will!) water with a good chance of a 20lb-plus fish. Dynamite Baits are supplying the bait, and Fishingmagic associates Gold Label Tackle are supplying a goody bag for each of the anglers.Kryston Advanced Angling are also supplying goody bags to all pupils. I’ll also be bringing some bait supplied by Premier Baits fresh from my own freezer! So I think we’ll be okay for bait! Graham will have a few FISHINGmagic caps to give away, and maybe a few other trinkets! Its probably safest if people supply their own food and drink, but I’ll take some disposable BBQ’s along if the weather looks good.
I suggest we meet up at around 9 o’ clock. Ian Welch is going to show us around the water before we choose swims and start fishing. The actual ‘tuition’ is going to be a fairly informal thing, a kind of one on one as people need some help, and will include anything from tying rigs to baiting up, or whatever anyone needs help with. Graham is hoping to do a bit on floater fishing, while I’ll mainly be doing a bit on how to become a tackle tart and look good whilst blanking, and Cakey will be showing us how to catch on sweetcorn, and the art of catching a small common in the night without waking anyone up!
Joking apart, first and foremost the event is mainly about helping someone with their angling, meeting a few of the regulars from the site and enjoying ourselves on a water where we have a great chance of catching a few fish. So, if there is another two or three people out there that would like to come along to this event and need a few pointers about carp fishing, let me know by posting a message. |