Report for week ending 15th July
By the weekend fishing was back to normal with trout free risingand taking a variety of flies and lures on or near the surface.

The boat anglers have had the majority of the sport with theAerators being a major attracting point for the fish.
A slow drift through the aerators with a sinking line has beenworking wonders. Many patterns have worked well, notably a MontanaNymph or Gold Ribbed Hares Ear retrieved at a steady pace.
For the bank anglers the Cascade, Verduns Point and Hut point havebeen the best spots. Again the fish have been near the surface, nomore than 5 or 6 feet down at most.
Gold Ribbed Hares Ear, Black Buzzers and small black Tadpoles haveall been successful patterns. The trick has been to fish them on aslow steady retrieve.
With the weather looking a little more settled fishing shouldcontinue to improve. Some of the bigger fish are feeding well on fryso a cast or two with a fry imitating pattern could well result insomething spectacular.
Best Areas:
Aerators, Cascade Bay, Verduns Point & Hut Point
Best Patterns:
Montana Nymph, Gold Ribbed Hares Ear, Black Buzzers, Small BlackTadpoles & Damselfly Nymph.
Seasons totals:
7860 fish caught, 2712 returns giving a rod average of 2.9 and toprainbow (so far) is 15lbs 2oz.
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