Three views on the river close season


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Feb 26, 2009
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Looking out at the unseasonably heavy snowfalls on the first Sunday of the river close season has made me almost grateful that I am prevented from going fishing on the Thames this weekend. However, last month’s polling by the Angling Times and a series of vigorous, but respectful, debates at six recent Angling Trust regional forums have demonstrated beyond doubt that the river close season remains a live issue amongst anglers.
A brace of prime roach from the Thames at Reading caught by my friend Alan Clarke on the last day of the season. Inevitably there was talk about the future of the river close season as we packed our rods away.In order to try and resolve this perennial question the Angling Trust pressed the Environment Agency to conduct a full review of the existing arrangements in order to put some long overdue science on the table to enable a sensible decision to be made about when and if we should be stopped by law from going river fishing. In 2015 the Agency set up a consultative panel to guide this work, which included a review of arrangements in other countries and examination of available scientific studies. The panel was chaired by Steve Axford from the Institute of Fisheries Management and contains fishery scientists and three representatives from the Angling Trust all coming from very different positions on the matter.
The evidence paper, which has been approved unanimously by the whole panel will be published shortly and will be the subject of an EA consultation this Spring. Although this is not the first time the coarse fishing close season has been subject to review, it is the first time that there has been a genuine attempt to seriously engage with anglers and listen to our views.
As part of that process we thought it would be useful to hear from three highly respected and knowledgeable river anglers who all have a different take on the river close season. Top UK match angler and former Team England member, Darren Cox is a strong advocate for removing the river close season altogether. Angling writer and river enthusiast Bob Roberts argues the case for reforming the current arrangements while Angling Times columnist and broadcaster Keith Arthur believes strongly that he has yet to see any reason to change the existing closure period.
Darren Cox believes that there is no longer any need to close the rivers to fishing.Darren Cox – No longer any justification for keeping the Close Season
As a 52-year-old who has fished since the age of seven, I find it incredible that the existing laws on the closure of rivers throughout England and Wales (not Scotland or Northern Ireland, which are still open to coarse fishing year through) still exists despite absolutely no reason other than it is what was decided back in 1878.
Since that date fishing habits have changed dramatically. Approximately 80% of all coarse fishing in the UK now takes place on man-made ‘commercially run’ lakes where the same species of fish swim around and can be fished for 365 days of the year.
Due to the restrictions on rivers, attention has moved towards these commercial fisheries where the stocks are guarded 24/7 from predation and poaching. Fewer anglers frequent our beautiful rivers as they are not afforded the same protection, and by the nature of the banks being empty for three months, both predators and poachers alike run amok in some areas. These are the biggest threats to our natural stocks of river fish species.
There is absolutely no scientific evidence that there should be a closed season, the law was created to protect fish back in 1878, as most fish were taken for the table. These times have changed and most managed fisheries, rivers and lakes alike insist all fish be returned to the water alive.
I spent my younger years fishing almost exclusively on the River Wharfe and River Nidd in Yorkshire. For many years we were allowed to fish on rivers for trout in the ‘closed season’ with baits such as maggots and worms, which we loved to do. We also caught many coarse fish at the same time. However, there were some species, like dace, which vanished for several weeks. Nobody could ever catch any as they had obviously disappeared to spawn.
I have also fished competitions on many rivers up and down the country (within the fishing season) and indeed all over the world, and had fish spawning in the weeds at my feet. There is no way you will ever catch a fish which is spawning! They are oblivious to anyone being around them as they have other things on their mind. Also, nobody told them that they were outside of the ‘spawning’ season either! Coarse fish spawn from early February to July depending on species and weather. That is half the year, so how can we claim that the current season protects fish stocks when they are spawning?
Eventually there will be no more fishing on rivers if the current regulations are kept in place as local clubs cannot survive to even break even when they are restricted from allowing fishing on their waters for 25% of the year! Add that to a bad winter, which can mean losing up to another three months due to floods and cold weather then it is understandable that these organisations are ready to call it a day.
These are the organisations that have local bailiffs to ensure that rules and regulations are adhered to by their membership. Poachers are prevented from illegally taking fish stocks and predators are regularly deterred from helping themselves. The organisations are also the eyes and ears of the riverbanks up and down the country. Years ago, as the Pollution Officer for Boston Spa Angling Club I was able to alert the water authority to various irregularities in water quality which may have been extremely detrimental to lots of aquatic life, let alone fish. For these reasons alone there is absolutely no justification to retain the old and antiquated law which applied to a different generation of anglers in what was a very different world for fishing.
Catching this spawn bound chub on June 16th saw Bob Roberts pack away his river tackle until July 1st. Bob argues strongly that the close season dates are all wrong.Bob Roberts – The Case For Change
I feel rather sad for those who fear change. Left to them we would still be living in caves, happy that the world is reassuringly flat. Of course, there would be no closed season for coarse fish because A, there would be no such thing as legislation, and B, well, folk need to eat, don’t they?
And there’s the rub. Anglers had been catching fish for nigh-on 40,000 years before some bright spark decided to invent a closed season. If those 40,000 years were squeezed into a single day then man has only observed a closed season for about 4 minutes, so please don’t tell me we should keep the closed season because we’ve always had one. We haven’t.
We are observing the current closed season according to an 1878 Act based on zero scientific evidence. Even the agreed dates were a compromise which made little difference in an era when everything caught was taken home and eaten.
The closed season was not introduced to prevent the disturbance of nesting birds (that is covered by the Wildlife and Countryside Act), or indeed to let the grass grow. It was introduced to provide an opportunity for freshwater fish to, ‘complete the procreation of their species in peace and quiet.’
And by pure coincidence it kept the riff-raff away from rivers when salmon were running.
Can anyone explain: what is the significance of it being 93 days long? No, thought not!
Some say rules are made to be broken. I disagree. Rules exist for good reason but should be routinely challenged to ensure they continue to achieve their intention. If not, then they need amending or abolishing. Laws by their very nature must evolve with changing circumstances.
Should it still be legal for a male to urinate in public, as long it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is on the vehicle? Of course not.
Angling stands at a crossroads. We have an opportunity to drag our sport out of the 19th Century although I hope people will not make their choice lightly. Only three options lie before us: keep , abolish or amend.
If you think nothing has changed since 1878, that anglers take home everything they catch, that water quality, fish stocks, fishing practises and the climate is exactly as it was in the 1800s then thee must taketh up thy quill and vote for retaining the status quo. There is clearly no point in changing anything.
If you think it’s okay to target fish relentlessly, round the clock, 365 days a year and to hell with the consequences, then you should vote to abolish the closed season.
On the other hand, if it’s the fish you truly care about then why on earth would you pretend there is anything ‘glorious’ about the 16th June? Those who think it’s perfectly fine to be targeting barbel and chub in shallow water on June 16th need to take a long hard look in the mirror. It’s never right, is it? We know the fish are invariably preparing to spawn, spawning or recovering on the 16th. You must vote to amend.
The closed season is not set in stone and never has been since it was introduced. Change is something we’ve seen before on still and moving water. Here in Yorkshire the river season used to open on June 1st. The Broads used to open for Easter and Whitsuntide, if I’m not mistaken. Stillwaters were closed in Yorkshire but remained open all-year-round in the adjoining county of Lincolnshire. Did these exceptions damage angling?
It is far easier to amend than to re-introduce a Law. If the close season goes then it is likely gone for good, whatever the consequences. But if we retain it, with suitable amendments, then it would be far easier to refine our choice later should it prove necessary to shorten, lengthen or change the dates and for that reason I would heartily support amending the current dates.
Personally I can see no harm in fishing on through March until the end of April but would close all rivers through May and June.
Were it up to me I would like to go a little further and make those who control the fishing on stretches of river responsible for ensuring they be closed during periods when fish show obvious signs of spawning beyond the closed season. And if it were made illegal to disturb spawning fish then that could be applied to ALL users of the water, not just anglers.
Taking that even further I would place a responsibility on those who control fishing rights to keep records proving they have continually assessed conditions and closed the water when appropriate. This means a club might close a stretch immediately below a weir whereas further downstream the river remains open to fishing, thereby protecting the spawning grounds whilst allowing fishing to continue elsewhere.
This would safely protect exceptional years.
Sensible measures like this achieve everything the original Act was intended for, which is to protect spawning fish whenever this happens whilst incorporating elements of change and control.
I can’t wait to fish on the ‘Glorious First’. How about you?
Keith Arthur wants to see incontrovertible scientific evidence that fish would benefit from any change to the existing close season on rivers.Keith Arthur – Why Change?
The first thing that is obvious about making any changes to the close season is that public opinion should be the last, the VERY last, consideration. We are not dealing with what anglers want here but with precious stocks of fish already threatened on many fronts, not least of which is predation. When you add to that abstraction, creating reduced flows and shallower water with less oxygen; coarse fish being targeted as a food source with seine nets, cast nets, long lines and groups of anglers fishing with multiple rods purely to remove adult fish; pollution, poor river management with habitat destruction removing valuable spawning grounds it’s almost a miracle we catch anything at all, never mind many rivers producing better catches than at any time I can recall in over sixty years of fishing.
That alone should tell us we are doing something right and I believe one of those things is allowing fish three months peace and quiet from being pressured by anglers to do what they do. Some will say they have a good break thanks to poor river conditions in winter. So if a particular winter is bad for angling should we cancel just that close season? How about when we have a mild, dry winter and fishing is phenomenal – as it has been on some rivers this year – should the official break be reinstated? That’s nonsense really isn’t it.
The concept of abolition is about one thing and one thing only in my opinion, and that is selfish anglers wanting to fish more with no consideration about the future…the future when I and possibly most of them will be long gone because any destruction won’t be noticed in a couple of years.
The law was put in place NOT, as some have stated, to keep the poor off the banks so the gentry had rivers to themselves to fly fish for their preferred species. Those gentry fished their own private stretches anyway. The law was introduced to protect spawning fish. OK, I’ll concede that it was at a time when coarse fish were usually taken either for the table or trophies. However our population then was way less than half what it is now; pressure on water was less from every perspective.
There have been challenges to the close season before and it seems to have been swept under the carpet that the last review was in the early 1990s when the close season was abolished on still-waters. The only reason the then authority, the National Rivers Authority, deemed that acceptable was because fish in almost every still-water belong to someone and, if there should be a catastrophe caused by interfering with spawning, those fish could be replaced. They are a commodity, in many cases an investment to produce income, just like stock on the shelves of a shop. They concluded the same applied to canals when that close season was abolished a couple of years later. Fish in rivers, and only in rivers, are a public resource belonging to us all, not just anglers!
The NRA’s research, conducted by universities and scientists, concluded that in rivers particularly fish were not discrete; they moved, sometimes long distances to gather in massive aggregations to spawn. Most of us who only fish in Britain wouldn’t be aware of that because it happens when we are away from the banks…in the close season. I and many others have seen it first hand in Northern Ireland where unbelievably huge shoals of fish move to their historic spawning grounds and in doing so are targeted by mostly match anglers on festivals.
The fishing on Lough Erne, where most of these festivals were held, declined to such a degree weights are now not as good overall as they are in many English festivals held during the season. Circumstantial evidence it may be but here’s just one example. The Sillees River which produced a bag of 266lb for Pete Burrell in 1981, an all roach catch, lost its spawning run within ten years, possibly because that whole strain of roach had died out. Fish certainly haven’t got the mental capacity to remember not to go somewhere!
If we are to have change then it can only be done through science and research, something that will take fishing trials and last for many years. If, as some contend, we should make the close season fit spawning times it should be extended rather than reduced although I don’t think that’s necessary.
In Yorkshire, coarse fishing tactics with bait restrictions were used through the close season to catch trout. Groundbait, keepnets, maggots and bread were banned to restrict potential damage to coarse fish stocks. Do you think those asking for abolition would find that acceptable? Of course not. This is a change begged for by match anglers – which is my angling background – to carry on as for the other nine months so those huge shoals, as in Ireland, will be hit, kept in nets and, shamefully, probably suffer like those Sillees roach. It’s madness spawned, excuse the pun, by selfishness and greed. Show me something that will benefit the fish and I’ll listen: I’ve been waiting a few years to hear one and it’s not happened yet.
What do you think?
Whilst as anglers we all have our views, and mine have been set out here on several occasions, the Angling Trust as a whole is determined to remain ‘studiously neutral’ in this debate. We see our role to facilitate the proper engagement of anglers in decisions that affect our sport and the environment upon which it depends.
You can read more*HERE
It will be interesting to see if some of the hard and fast views on the river close season are changed in any way once the EA paper is published.

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
It's just so hypocritical of anglers wanting to keep the outdated not fit for purpose closed season while being perfectly happy to fish still waters, change the dates? how will that work different rivers, species, geographical weather conditions all would need to be taken into consideration on an annual basis, what was suitable last year may very well not be suitable this or the next year.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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All 3 of the above protagonists put forward a well thought out and eloquent case. I am more confused than ever.:confused:


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
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out the 3 options I would go for abolishing the close season, however Bob Roberts option is the probable option that the EA would go for...and I would be fine with that.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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The Erne system is enormous. Big enough to contain a 26 mile long Lower Lough, a 12 mile long Upper Lough, 154 islands and 80 miles of river within a catchment area of 1,680 square miles. Practically every week in Angling Times, Keith Arthur makes the claim that any apparent (no evidence is provided) downturn in fishing in the system can be attributed to some seasonal matchfishing 20 - 30 years ago on a minuscule fraction of its waters. He puts this claim forward as a reason to retain the close season here.

Anyone taking a glance at OS maps of the area would surely recognise, unless they have an axe to grind, that a relatively small number of anglers fishing in extremely limited areas for a few weeks of the year - and returning their catches alive - are hardly likely to have impacted as claimed on this huge and overwhelmingly unfished system. Even though the catches were big, by pre-carp commercial English standards, the amount of fish affected by angling must have been negligible in terms of the mass of fish in the system.

Keith's signature habit in his AT column is to say, no matter what the technique or insight in question, "We were doing that back in the 80's". I think he needs to adopt a more up to date frame of reference where the close season is concerned, and to see the impact of historic matchfishing in proportion to other influences on Irish coarse fishing waters.

The fishing coach

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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Kingsclere, Hants.
I have taken the liberty of reproducing the comments of Trevor Harrap of the Avon Roach Project as published elsewhere on the web. He probably knows more about the spawning habits of river fish than anyone else I can think of. I am sorry if I have breached some ethical rule by doing so but I think this is the best thing on the subject I have ever read.

He writes:
I also completely agree with Keith Arthur.

I have copied and pasted the rant I posted on another thread touching on this subject. It is very long, so I suspect hasn’t even been read by some of the contributors on the other thread – some of which is making my blood boil… So, rant and views below:

We should all consider the fish and the environment over our own interests.

While I might be in favour of a postponement of the closed season by two weeks, I remain extremely guarded against any small change leading to greater change.

The wellbeing of the ‘angling trade’ against the health of our riverine environment cannot, and should not, even be considered.

Neither can the wholly misguided and utterly incorrect belief that spawning fish will not be affected by angling as they don’t feed… I can state from my experiences that this is not the case. Fish will feed when spawning.

I have a vested interest as I have given a huge amount of my time over the past decade and more to trying to reinstate a self-sustaining population of roach in the iconic Hants Avon, which showed a serious decline some years back and were the roach population was considered to be below critical mass, therefore unable to naturally recover without assistance.

The Avon Roach Project is on the way to succeeding in this through pioneering methods and techniques, while crucially retaining the genetic purity of the particular strain of roach, which we have discovered is more critical than anyone has ever considered.

The success of our work would have been severely hampered and even undone by anglers being able to fish for our gravid roach over the years we have been operating.

The angler on the migratory route of our roach would simply see it as a lucky roachy red letter day and absolutely fill his boots, completely oblivious to the potential circumstances – thinking well, they’re feeding, so they can’t be spawning. He might pop them in a keepnet for the afternoon, then have a few trophy shots after (possibly, itself, attracting greater future angling attention).

All the adult roach in an area move en masse upstream to the spawning sites so will be unusually concentrated and very vulnerable…. Same goes for Babel, Chub and so on.

We have established that the roach do feed while spawning as I have actually stopped our Avon fish spawning for a short while with feed just to prove this point. We have also established that they’ll migrate to the same spawning sites each year, and if conditions are within a tolerance, they will do so on the same day (different day on other rivers)… So, dead easy for anglers with this knowledge to have an enormous impact.

It’s impossible to say for sure what impact anglers might have had if they’d been able to fish all year round when the Avon Roach numbers were at their lowest point. It is possible that there would now be stretches of the river where the roach are actually extinct.

In some areas when we started the Avon Roach Project, we had to work with as few as a dozen or so individuals.

So, why not just stock some more? I hear you ask…. Well, herein lies yet another issue with how we play with nature and think we can interfere without consequences. We at the ARP interfere in the purest way with the most incredibly positive consequences through increasing and bolstering the existing population, arresting its decline and bringing it back from the brink of possible localised extinction, so giving us the knowledge to question the potential negative impact of angling simply taking even more form the environment without proper consideration.

We have shown that introducing roach from another watercourse (fish farm or river) could have a detrimental impact on the remnant population as we have discovered (more science needed) that the introduced stock will not necessarily synchronise with the remnants at spawning time; and if they are not suited to the new environment, they will crash, possibly taking the original stock with them, through competition and many other factors. This is known to be in the process of happening on another river in the south.

This is just one reason why we need to retain individual healthy populations in all our rivers, and retain the genetic purity of all of them. Our rivers are natural watercourses and not just ‘fisheries’ that we can treat as we do our commercials…

We need to give the fish in our rivers every opportunity to secure their future, which itself will enrich our own, by giving them our absence at the time they most need it… That also goes for the rest of the flora and fauna we’d be disturbing.

We also need to recognise that some of the rivers we will be affecting are the worlds’ most valuable natural riverine ecosystems, the Chalk Stream, of which there are just over 200 in the entire world with 80% of these in the UK and 70% of these failing to meet good ecological status, partly through fish assemblage – so to be considering further disturbance and potential negative impact is extremely worrying.

Once we start mucking about with these and the rest of our rivers, there’ll be no turning back. We all need to face our responsibilities.

Admittedly and hypocritically, some might say, I have fished in the closed season a few times in the past on heavily stocked and managed commercial fisheries where I consider the tenuous impact of angler presence on such ecologically artificial environments beyond consideration.

Our natural rivers are a completely different case all together, and having struggled with the decline of rivers like the Hants Avon, and advised on others such as the Kennet, Wensum, Bristol Avon, Warwickshire Avon, Severn and many more, I consider myself more than qualified to comment from a naturalistic perspective.

I must admit that this debate has gotten the old alarm bells ringing at a deafening level in me.

I wish I could just lift anglers heads and make them see.

Have a look at the Avon Roach Project web site and see for yourselves if you don’t believe me.

Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
To continue to cite the 1978 enactment and state that this is an "old" law is rather disingenuous.

The ruling has been revisited many times since then, and with far more, and better, criteria being implemented than for the original.

The last time was in the year 2000 so let's stop using this antiquated argument as it is really rather non sequitur . . . . . .

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
I can honestly state that I doubt my fishing will be unduly affected whichever of the three options are taken. However, I find one of the protagonists to be a little short on logic and heavy on emotive language and denouncements. I have little issue in people wishing to retain a closed season for little more than nostalgia's sake. However, to dress it up as being highly altruistic, whilst slating opposing views as "greedy" or "selfish" is more than a little disingenuous. The desire, that most anglers share, regardless of their closed season stance, is to have more, and/or bigger, fish. Regardless of their closed season stance, that's a position of self interest. It's got little to do with altruism or genuine environmentalism. If either were the top priority of an angler, they simply wouldn't be an angler. Angling may benefit the wider environment as side issues, but the primary motives of angling are not in themselves based on anything altruistic. We stick hooks in living creatures and extract them from their natural environment. We do this for no other reason than our own enjoyment.

The elephant in the room for me is that the real reason that the EA are likely to change anything is not mentioned at all.
I suspect that the pressing reason to change is actually driven by an inability to police and enforce the law properly. As it stands, they have a commitment to do so, to do it effectively would take more resources than they have. What better way to negate that than remove an unenforceable law? The fact that the reasons that the closed season was introduced in the first place are redundant just makes it easier to change. The fact that no other group are banned from the riversides for three months renders most of the (non-fish/fishing) arguments for keeping a closed season equally redundant.

The sad part is that if the EA do away with the closed season, and fish stocks actually suffer (even if there's no proof whatsoever that it's down to a lack of closed season), they'll have a perfect scapegoat to hand. The fact that stocks on many rivers appear to have been suffering from decline (for a multitude of different reasons) for quite some time, with a closed season in place, is immaterial. I'm more than a little wary that anglers are being set up to be the fall guys for a decision that will actually be made based on nothing more than financial considerations, even if they choose not to mention them.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
To continue to cite the 1978 enactment and state that this is an "old" law is rather disingenuous.

The ruling has been revisited many times since then, and with far more, and better, criteria being implemented than for the original.

The last time was in the year 2000 so let's stop using this antiquated argument as it is really rather non sequitur . . . . . .

The one thing that hasn't changed is the dates.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I have'nt read the original post, I dont need to.
I was ok with the close season but always a little uneasy about it.
When the change came allowing year round fishing on stillwaters I accepted it but again was still uneasy .
Since that time I have come to believe strongly that it should be moved from its presant closure/opening dates to something along the dates of early april until early july.
If thats not implemented then just get rid altogether and join all the other folk on boats, skis, jetskis, dogwalkers, orienteers, birdwatchers, hikers, photographers, random paddlers bathers,
geocachers, poachers and anyone else that isnt denied access to our rivers and stillwaters.
last of all lets just put an end to this annual tearing out of our hair over this subject for good.
it's gone on for far too long-- end it !!!!

Dave Slater

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2002
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I can see a valid case for all three options. In fact my views keep changing on this and I am not sure which option is best for protecting fish stocks. Personally I don't think that the current close season is at the best times for the fish and I would probably lean towards the Bob Roberts option at the moment, but may have changed my mind by next week. It is all very confusing. Some clubs close their stillwaters at strategic times to ease pressure on their stocks and to give everything a rest, sometimes rotating this between venues. I am not sure this could work on rivers as the fish can move between stretches but it certainly helps with some stllwaters. A certain amount of flexibility would be needed due to annual fluctuations in the weather and any option would lead to a lot of moaning by some people. As Flightliner says this has all gone on for too long and should be put to an end. If the current system stays then no problem as we are all used to it. Equally if changes were made then this would put an end to the argument and personally I would accept whatever was decided. I do not think there is a one fits all solution as different species spawn at different times, which is why some flexibility may be needed.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
I do not think there is a one fits all solution as different species spawn at different times, which is why some flexibility may be needed.

How much flexibility would be needed to cover all species is the problem as far as I can see, to cover them all the closed season would/could be up to 7/8 months long and even then geographical weather variations might not be covered.

Because its what we have doesn't imo mean it should be something that is kept because of that.

dave m

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2017
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watching river levels
I attended a meeting earlier this week that was hosted by the angling trust.
The main purpose was to discuss the current closed season and the alternative options.
The votes showed the vast majority (from about 25 voting) were in favour of abolition of the closed season.
The original law came about due to anglers retaining fish for the pot, so the thinking was to allow some to spawn to ensure some new fish coming through, but this clearly is no longer the way caught fish are treated.
Its clear that the very reason for the introduction is no longer valid so the close should be finished with.