Not once but twice bitten by the Trent last week, I shied away from it this afternoon and drove up into Derbyshire. The level was ok, bit the pace on the river was fierce so I started with chopped worm in a maggot feeder and worm on the hook. Just to get a bite felt like a welcome back to fishing, and the small trout were queuing up.
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I'd found a bottle of some long-forgotten gloop at the back of the bait cupboard. It was years past it's best by date (surprised it even had one on the bottle) but it did seem to pull in young and impressionable trout, as I had around a dozen like that.
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I wondered what the Plus was. I guess it's plus red dye as I came home looking like Diggory Venn from The Return of the Native. (He traded in dye for marking sheep, in case you're not a Thomas Hardy fan).
After an hour or so, the pace of the river relented a bit. You get pulses of reservoir water released into the river, and the pace doesn't necessarily match the weather, rain etc. So I set up a float rod with a 4g balsa slider and found that, like all the best anglers, the bigger trout preferred the float, and a couple of fish like this made the day feel a nice way to emerge from a grim period of blanking
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