Anti anglers attack angler.


Steve Baker

Did anybody else read in the sun today how a disabled angler was intimidated by a group of anti anglers with pick axe handles? Is this a step up in the campaign against us?

That man will be sared off fishing that water now. What would you do if it was you?

Ron Clay

Possibly the best thing for all anglers is to carry a mobile phone and be prepared to hit 999 if confronted with antis. I believe these sub-humans would be quite capable of inflicting GBH, even death on a defenceless angler, especially if he or she was on the elderly side.

I know what I would WANT to do to these people, but you are not allowed to carry the necessary item in UK

Carp Angler

Ron said "I know what I would WANT to do to these people, but you are not allowed to carry the necessary item in UK"
It's more fun if you improvise Ron.
Anything can be accomplished with a bent coat hanger and some sellotape.

Ron Clay

A bent coat hanger and some cellotape - how?

Personally I would prefer the feel of a good 9mm para and 5 clips

Alan Roe

Why tickle them with 9mm??? .44mag makes a much better job!

stephen southwick

its all very well saying what you would like to do to these people but what rights do we have would the law be on our side, iam also a disabled angler

Keith Reeder


the law is VERY MUCH on your side.

While I would advise that - as a matter of course - nobody should fish alone if ther is any potentil for risk (and this applies whether you're disabled or not), I have placed this Website/naa.html

on my website which will give you some idea of what to do in the unlikely event of trouble.

Don't let the risks worry you too much Stephen, but don't take any silly chances and you'll be OK.


p jackson

anti this, anti that,get a life,geta hobby like fishing(relaxing)

Stewart Bloor

geta hobby like fishing(relaxing) ....or posting nonsensical comments on web sites?

p jackson

my comments on the web may sound nonsensical to fellow fishing persons like yourself,but having dyslexia makes my comments ok that is to me.i have to take the time to read your comment so please take time to understand mine. thankyou

Dave Johnson

PJ, I think Sedge was on about the previous comments not yours-coathangers and guns etc....they have been watching to much Eastenders....

Stewart Bloor

P, my comments had nothing to do with how you write, I would never have a problem with that, but rather the manner in which your comments appear - and that's got nothing to do with dyslexia.

Steve Baker

Sorry stewart dont understand your last comment, best thing we can do with antis is educate them. Ask them why they are against fishing (cause its cruel) and maybe point them on to a more worthy cause. I know its hard work but lets face it most antis are 18-30 with nothing else better to do than try to force their opinion onto other people and tell them what they should be doing instead of what they want to be doing. Were all cruel for keeping pets, we are wrong to eat animals, i am getting p****ed (sorry) off with people telling me what i can and cannot do. Basically the minority rules this country with their so called superior morals. When they are out walking there dogs and fishermen get in their way when they are trying to feed the already over populated duck and swan population. They dont agree with mink farming so "i know!" we will let them all go, and decimate the natural wildlife such as frogs, newts, voles, rabbits and lets not forget their precious ground nesting birds and fish......... Well we've eaten all the fish at sea so the cormronts (?) move inland but its the anglers selfishness when we want to shoot them for killing our fish stocks.

Sorry for raving but its getting me down what a bleak future we have in this country with the likes of PICIES and PETA aiming there guns at us and the weak politicians that govern our resricted lives and that they give in to the minoritys views 9 times out of 10.

If i was attacked by an anti angling group, i would try to reason with them, and then go mad and i would end up in jail for 28 days, lose my job and my life what do they get nothing as they have nothing to lose. Do u think any anti anglers read this? Nope nor do I. Again sorry to rant and rave. BUT does anyone feel anglings days are numbered like me? I would be interested in your comments.

Stewart Bloor

Steve, I think the anti's and all the things pertaining to the subject are a constant source of discussion and debate amongst anglers. My actual comments on anti's?...well as it so happens, the weekly column I write here on FM (Pilgrim's Progress) is for the next two weeks devoted to the very subject. There certainly is a lot to say, but I've shared my own thoughts on a couple of specific threads. There is so much variety of opinion within angling, some informed, some just 'shooting from the hip' some sensible and balanced, and some bizarre and irrational. But, for whatever, I feel it's good that the subject of the 'anti's' is being raised and discussed, because at the end of the day, they're not going to go away.

Keith Reeder


I'm afraid that you can GUARANTEE that antis visit sites like this one.

I can also tell you that tThey won't be reasoned with, but don't think for a second that the fact they exist automatically equals the end of angling as we know it.

And the Government is on record many, many times as being fully in support of - and has thrown significant resources at - angling, acknowledging its environmental, economic and social benefits.

No government has ever been so completely - and so PUBLICLY - pro-angling (this isn't a party political broadcast, honest!)

And finally - the antis have one small problem with their attacks on angling; it just ISN'T CRUEL in the eyes of the public.

As long as we make that message, and emphasise the net benefits to the environement gained from angling, they can rail at us until they drop down dead - we ain't going away.


Paul Williams

come on mate, your first posting wasn't very constructive was it?
I've a feeling it wasn't meant to sound that way but it did come over as a bit of a dig....but hey! we often have a dig at each other, so say hello and get stuck in to some real debate.

Steve Baker

"And finally - the antis have one small problem with their attacks on angling; it just ISN'T CRUEL in the eyes of the public."

A I totally agree with this statement keith, but how many people would back angling? the british public, me included sometimes, have the attitude that if it doesnt affect them they dont care. The antis know this and if they can meke enough noise someone will listen, and this will be start of our downfall, like i said, the minority are pushing their so called superior morals on the majority.

p jackson

ok but give us a chance words and ideas are difficult to put into writing there are lots of people out there that won't log on because of it. sorry readers