Barbel in the derwent @ matlock


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Mar 10, 2004
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Ilkeston ,derbyshire ,great britain ,earth ,The un
i carn't swear to it but i don't think they are that far up river but you never know,it does have a good few chub and some
graying mixed in with the trout,i think you
can fish at matlock bath on day ticket still,its been a few years since i last fished up there,and i think theres a day ticketed bit at darly dale but above there
its owned by the dukes of devonshire and
rutland and is all game fishing ,and below
matlock by private owners and derby county
ac you can fish at milford on a season ticket/dayticket (i've mainly caught perch
there)and below cromford at a caravan park
just before the whatstandswell bridge and from the hotel their below here is more of dcac waters to ambergate.i've looked and i
have found these phone numbers that might

River Derwent. Darley Dale, Derby. Tel: 01928 716238

River Derwent. Matlock. Tel: 01773 832611 ?

merebrook caravan park. turn right 1/2 a mile past whatstandwell bridge if heading
was ?3(apparently small barbel has been recently stocked here ?)

derwent hotel whatstandswell on the a6 was ?5 i think

Derwent, nr. Matlock, day tickets from Derwent Hotel, Derby Rd
01773 856616 (maybe for above)

i hope something of help is in all this ramblings

Tony Rocca

The EA have recorded barbel in the river at Chatsworth, way upstream of Matlock.


Sep 27, 2005
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Not sure about barbel, but there's definitely some nice chub. I fished a day ticket stretch just outside of Matlock for 2 hours and had two 5/6lb chub. That stretch is owned by The Derwent Hotel and day tickets are ?3. I think it's about half a mile outside of Matlock.

There's another short day ticket stretch owned by the Hurt Arms in Ambergate, also only a couple of miles from Matlock. Think it's ?5. Looks like a nice stretch, but I haven't fished it yet.

I asked Belper Tackle about barbel in their Belper and District Angling Club stretch (Milford to Ambergate) and apparently they've been pulling out some good double figure Barbel. So I think it's quite likely that they'll be up as far as Matlock.

Chris Pearson

Beastie,I've been fancying a dabble and I had a look over the wall (from the car)yesterday on the way back from Derby,couldn't stop because of lack of a lay by.
Does the Derwent Hotel stretch go from the bridge upstream to the small weirpool or the other way?
Do you have to go in the hotel for a ticket?
My understanding from a chap called Cahal is that the barbel get as far as the big weir pool near the prison in Chatsworth Park.

steve pearson

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Oct 19, 2003
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thanks for the replies,also heard of fish near the derwent hotel but on the stretch under the bridge and downstream.


Sep 27, 2005
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Chris - Yes, the Derwent Hotel stretch goes from under the bridge upstream the the weir. It's only about 50m long! And yes, you get tickets from the Hotel Bar.

Steve - I'm pretty sure that's all DC Angling Club territory.

The Chatsworth House Club stretch of the Derwent looks stunning. Anyone know how much it is to join there?

Paul Hayes

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Feb 2, 2005
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Fairly certain that Derby Railway also have a stretch in that area, but I think it may be fly only.



derby angling fed owns little eaton to the pub in duffield its ?30 a year for a book
and theres plenty of barbel and chub but they are in some pegs more than others
but beware theres billions of river minnows that will devour anything they can

i have only just started fishing with this club in the last 2 months the best thing to do is to come down for a match and talk to the other lads on the day

e-mail me if you want any more info on this stretch


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Sep 5, 2010
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Chatsworth Club Fishery (message for BEASTIE)

Sory it's taken five years Beastie but I've only just signed up.

The Chatsworth Estate section of the river Derwent (Derbyshire) north of Rowsley is fished by members only for trout using fly fishing methods and I believe that the cost of a years membership is in the hundreds of pounds and the season of course is only six or seven months long.

If you are interested, the Fishery Manager at the Estate Office at Edensor will be able to tell you about membership and cost.

Hope this of some help. KGtrier.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
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barbel --- matlock

I used to be a member at Matlock AC and was around when it was first stocked with Barbel. They are there in quantity and certainly up to 8lb Matlock Bath stretch is day ticket but if you are near enough to warrant joining MAC you should do so as they have a lot of the Derwent and 3 nice general ponds Much of the river immediately below Matlock, e.g. Artists corner, is classic barbel + chub, grayling and trout. As I am amember of DCAC and also am somewhat constained by living in Spain ! I am no longer in MAC but would be if living in the area. A number to ring as I dont have the Hon Sec`s - Terry Moore (president I think ) 01629 56786 Terry and I fished together for 30 years ans he knows the swims for barbel in Matlock Good luck Peter Barton

Paul H

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Nov 29, 2004
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Derbyshire: best beer, best cheese, best puddings.
Sory it's taken five years Beastie but I've only just signed up.

Blimey, doesn't time just fly by.

I was in Matlock Bath the other Saturday (not fishing) and discovered that you can obtain a day ticket from the newsagent for £6.00 I think it was.

The river is mostly shallow and rocky / gravel. I'd bet chub could be had on the fly.


Sep 27, 2005
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Re: Chatsworth Club Fishery (message for BEASTIE)

Sory it's taken five years Beastie but I've only just signed up.

The Chatsworth Estate section of the river Derwent (Derbyshire) north of Rowsley is fished by members only for trout using fly fishing methods and I believe that the cost of a years membership is in the hundreds of pounds and the season of course is only six or seven months long.

If you are interested, the Fishery Manager at the Estate Office at Edensor will be able to tell you about membership and cost.

Hope this of some help. KGtrier.

Sorry KGtrier, not logged on here in over 7 years, so only just seen your post! I have actually recently taken up fly fishing, so I may be is a beautiful stretch!

I'll log on again in 2019 to check for a reply! :)


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
Derby Railway Angling Club have about 1.5 miles at Darley Dale just outside Matlock. A small part is fly only, but the majority is for coarse fishing and there are some good barbel in there and it is a nice stretch to fish and not too expensive when I had a season ticket there.

The other (far) bank is owned by a private club, Waltonians, who also have a length on the same river at Calver. This is predominantly if not exclusivly game only. My mate has a ticket (£400 p.a.) and he trots for grayling in winter, but I think it is fly only in summer.

The camping site at Darly Dale has a 100 yd length, but not as good as the DRAC stretch.


I'm fishing the Matlock Bath day ticket stretch next week for grayling and will do some digging around on local barbel reports, if I hear of anything i'll let you know.

I did have a Matlock AA book some years ago (which I woefully under used) and fished the park section in Matlock itself and heard rumours of barbel back then, I hope the grayling fishing's just as good as it used to be.


Jan 24, 2011
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im a member of derbyshire county angling club which owns the stretch of the derwent past willersley castle (just below matlock bath) i was fly fishing for trout just below the wear downstream of matlock bath around may/june time and i had the pleasure of witnessing about 10 -15 barbel spawning.
they wasnt at all bother by me what so ever.
id say the fish were all about the 5lb mark.
the club also own the wenslees farm stretch at south darley, not very productive during the fly fishing season but come autumn when bait fishing is allowed its very good for grayling trotting and apparently barbel and chub, although i haven't fished for them at that venue.
the club also has the right on the lower derwent from borrowash to sawley which ive heard good things about, barbel to 16lb!
its not a cheap club but they do have some great fishing!
i'll be trotting on the willersley castle stretch tomorrow for the first time, might see if i can tempt a barbel too :D

spanish pete

Nov 8, 2010
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I was involved with Matlock A. C. years ago and about 20 yrs ago stocked the river at Matlock with 2000 barbel about 6ins long. I fished Artists Corner with Terry Moore then Pres. of the club after 2-3 yrs and caught them to 1lb --- very pleasing I now understand they are going to doubles but you need to join the club and it is v. good value. Were I to return the I will join again Peter Barton