Funny how we all have such varying opinions on stuff.
I find the extra foot of lenght the 14ft rod has on the 13ft can make a huge difference in use.
I find the biggest plus side of having the extra foot in length is when fishing across river on a windy day (mainly when the wind is a downstream one) and trying to keep your line behind your float so as to keep it trotting on track and not have line pulling it across the flow.
Maybe a 15ft rod would be better still if it handled (for me) the same as a 13 of 14 footer....unfortunately I haven't found a rod any longer than 14ft that handles anything like the shorter rods and that includes the very light (for lenght accy rods).
After saying that i've only actually handled a 15ft accy in a shop so I suppose i'm just going off the first impression of it in my hand, maybe if I had it out on the bank I would form another opinion. To be honest I just don't fancy spending money to find out as i've done that on far too many occassions and i've no sooner bought a rod and then shortly after i'm trying to sell it at a loss.
If drennan gave me one to trial before buying, now that would be great