Hemp & tares & bloody dace !

captain carrott

Senior Member
Oct 10, 2003
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the reason i mentioned pole to hand is when encountering the same sort of thing south of oxford, it has required getting it down with an olivette and then inching it through, which is something you just can't do with a stick or any other type of float, holding it back that hard with a normal rod just results in the float pulling off line. something the big roach just won't tolerate.
with the pole you can move it through in a straight line as if the seed is being washed down stream by the flow on the bottom. i.e. very very slowly.
throuble is if you tried to fish it on the drop any bait just got smahed to pieces by the smaller fish above.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
it really does baffle me when people ask for advice on how to deal with a situation and when given the information say oh no i'm not going to do that it's not what i do.

Why ? As I have said before many times on here my fishing time is limited and I'm not going to spend any of it fishing in a way that I dont enjoy.I have tried pole fishing and I hated it...I know that costs me fish at times but its a price I'm prepared to pay for the sheer pleasure I get from running a float through.I am sure the pole would help in this situation and I knew someone would suggest it...but its not an option for me because I have no need to catch the most or the biggest fish. I'm just not driven in that way. At the end of the day the sun will still rise whether I hook 1 in 3 or 1 in 30 dace bites. In the great scheme of things it dont make no never mind.

I am grateful for all advice freely given...I truly am...but that doesnt mean I have to take it.

I think its a combination of a number of things [including my slowing reactions...cheers Ray !] but mainly how I'm feeding.

And I shall decline to rise to the comment about fly anglers because sadly I'm one of them too AND there is no doubt in my mind that I'm a better fly angler because of my coarse angling experience.

slime monster

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2008
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Torquay .....with my reputation??
You can indeed present a static bait on a stick float by over shotting and fishing over depth at a rods length ,combined with a pin it can be absolutely dead still or inched through and is one of the most deadly methods of catching river fish ..not easy to master and fast becoming a forgotten art.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Indeed it is Dave especially for roach. I just wish these damn dace would either have it properly or clear off and let me get at the roach. They are like little kids belting about upsetting their betters.

I meant the roach not me.

captain carrott

Senior Member
Oct 10, 2003
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You can indeed present a static bait on a stick float by over shotting and fishing over depth at a rods length ,combined with a pin it can be absolutely dead still or inched through and is one of the most deadly methods of catching river fish ..not easy to master and fast becoming a forgotten art.

all very well and good if the fish are at a rod length out, ****** all use if they aint though.

and becoming a forgotten art precisely because there are better methods of achieving the same effect. performed by people who consider the pin and stickfloat to be a tool suitable for certain situations rather than the be all and end all of angling.
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Skippy, how were you hooking the tare?

I too have had this problem, so I fish a size 12 wide gape and set the tare on the shank of the hook with the whole bend of the hook showing. Works for me, but you still miss a few because the tare slips onto the bend sometimes. And I always bulk the shot 18 inches from the hook, no droppers.

Good luck.

Pretty much like that Steve.I rummaged around in my box and found some long discontinued Kamasan round bend pattern that I thought was ideal...a big 14...nearer a 12. Tare sits on it a treat.

Might have to get the old coil of lead wire out :eek:

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
I think Jim Crosskey has a valid point regarding marauding chublets. Regarding rod and line , son of meldrew sat in the swim I was in last week and I sat where you were Skippy, he completely battered me with the better quality roach using a 20ft rod with a stick float. Although, when som and I went 3 weeks ago, the colour and pace of the father was a bit more favourable.
Meanwhile , any of you Thames experts fancy showing us how to do it ,theres always the lower thames championship on the 18th, tickets still available..............


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Might have to get the old coil of lead wire out
S-kippy-- I've been searching hi and low for lead wire in all my local tackle shops and on the internet, loads available from trout angling outlets but it is too fine for my requirements. Is yours old stock or do you know a supplier who I may contact.


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2004
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S-kippy-- I've been searching hi and low for lead wire in all my local tackle shops and on the internet, loads available from trout angling outlets but it is too fine for my requirements. Is yours old stock or do you know a supplier who I may contact.
Flight get a spool of Kryston leadcore braid and take the leadcore out
PS or Korda


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
S-kippy-- I've been searching hi and low for lead wire in all my local tackle shops and on the internet, loads available from trout angling outlets but it is too fine for my requirements. Is yours old stock or do you know a supplier who I may contact.

Sorry...its some old stuff from years ago...always thought it would come in useful one day.

---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

CC what the hell is eating you?, Can't anyone post on here without you pouring disdain on any offer of advice or ideas contrary to yours ?

Thanks Dave...I was wondering too but I'm not going to fall out over it.

I do not do poles...neither do I do carp, pike, brussell sprouts, liver, Arsenal, bivvies,X- Factor,Elvis,or anything to do with Disney. I dont always fish a float and a centrepin but I will whenever I can because I like it and its not illegal.

That's it really. So far as fishing is concerned I have never had the slightest need to compete....I fish for my pleasure and mine alone.


alan whittington

S-kippy,did you try to light shot down the line,8's or less,holding back fairly hard.....feed,cast ,then hold back,it often works,what would people do without 11m+ of carbon,maybe learn to fish again?;)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I think I saw you on "Grumpy old men" last week Skippy! Hahahaha!

Graham...I'm sure that was intended to be tongue in cheek but its fallen a bit flat here after certain earlier comments.

What started as [I thought] a reasonable question seems to have turned into lets-have-a-pop -at -Skippy- who -can't- be -a -proper- angler because- he -doesn't- own -a -pole -and-fly-fishes. How's that work then ? :confused:

I choose not to use a pole. End of. The only thing likely to make me grumpy is people who question my personal preference/choice when frankly its none of their business. I find it rather patronising to be perfectly honest.Dear God what did I say that makes everyone suddenly think I only ever use a greenheart rod with a whalebone tip.

Thank you all for your advice.Most of it was useful and I have a few things to try when next the myriad hordes of Windsor dace and I do battle.

But I will NOT be fishing a bloody pole and neither will I lose a moments sleep if you are on the next peg fishing 6 metres to hand and spanking the arse off me.:mad:



Yes I did try that with the usual results...enough fish to make me think I've cracked it and then back to normal. Maybe I should have just altered everything every 3rd chuck to confuse the little sods. The biggest problem [I think] is that there are just so many fish they are charging about like maniacs. I reckon I could have put a ton of hemp in and still not filled them up. At least I wasn't on caster...that would have been an expensive morning !
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alan whittington

Another option is to find out how high they are coming up in the water and attack them there,i usually find waggler better on the seed,but its all down to preference.

Jim Crosskey 2

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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does it have to be hemp and tares? the reason I ask is cos a mate of mine just got back from a boating holiday on the thames... he wasn't going to be fishing seriously and so could only pick up some supermarket bait... and was then really surprised to start catching really good quality roach on sweetcorn. Just waggler fishing a foot off bottom (though most of the fish came on the drop)... nothing under 10oz or so, but nothing over a pound. Better than inch long chublets!!