It was a bit like being stuck between a rock and a hard place on the choice of days to fish this weekend, it was either the heavy rain and brisk winds of today or the low overnight temperatures and possible ground frost tomorrow.
I opted for today and with the forecast being bang on I was able to get set up on the river and hunkered down under the brolly just before dawn, to await the wet stuff that was to sweep in later and boy did it!
Again this was meant to be a perch session and I did take quite a few albeit nothing of note and the barbel stole the show.
With a couple of inches extra coming down the river I opted for a slightly larger Bolo than last time at 3grm which took a bulk of 3 x AAA two thirds the way down and a BB dropper halfway between that and the hook which just left a nice length of tip showing for the worm…
The extra length in the tip also came in handy later in the day when the rain swept in, talk about downpours galore…
Anyway, the initial feed was three large Seymo droppers of chopped krilled maggot and worm with a few whole ones thrown in for good measure and it was then time to sit back whilst the lobworm on the sixe 8 Drennan Specimen did its job right off the rod tip and I reckon it was fending ‘em off for most of the morning as things were a bit slow with only a handful of small perch to around 10ozs to show for it.
Around late morning and shortly after a bombardment of groundbait to liven things up a bit I then had a bite which instantly took up the few inches of slack between the rod tip and the float and along with a whizzing drag it was clear that the barbel had moved onto the feed and this was confirmed a few minutes later when I put the net under a very well fed fish of 11lbs 2ozs…
At this point I was pleased I was fishing fairly heavy with the Specimen float rod, 8lb Pro Gold mainline and a 7lb Fulling Mill fluorocarbon hooklink, this might seem a tad excessive for perch fishing but believe me if I got into another of the size of beast which opened the gape of my hook a week or so ago then I would need every ounce of it.
And every ounce of it came in rather handy once again on the very next put in when the float sailed away and I was into a very nicely conditioned fish which came in at 10lb 5ozs…
Add a few more small perch along with a third float caught, worm snaffling double late in the afternoon which came in at 10lb 7ozs and it felt like I’d had a good day, despite the lack of big perch…
I did suffer a welly full of water after a footing misdemeanor whilst netting the first fish but it only dampened my socks and not my spirits!
All things being equal I’m off out armed with nothing other than a tin of Spam next week and fully expecting to land some clonking perch… :w