Mmmmm.. trotting!
I was brought up on float fishing from about the age of 5 or 6. Always a centrepin, no matter what the conditions, and principally on the lower tidal Dorset Stour and Hampshire Avon. Never touched a leger weight until much later, then swingtips, donkeytops and quivertips allied to Intrepid Elite's, 505's/506's and various Mitchell's. But always, always enjoyed the centrepin. I now almost exclusively fish with centrepins for the sheer joy and pleasure I get from using them.
I have never had much belief in shirt button style shotting patterns and light stick floats but have been known to use a waggler every now and then. That is not to say I am right or others are wrong, far from it. I've watched and fished with some very accomplished float anglers from several generations and regions and marvelled at their skills.
But for me on the Stour, Avon and the typical southern local venues I fish, particularly in full winter trim, I invariably use chunky balsas, big sticks and similar. Typically fished with a big single bulk (equiv of several AAA) and a single dropper (BB or no:1). The relationship between that bulk and dropper is regularly tinkered with as is the depth I'm fishing at, particularly if I'm loose feeding. I like to boss the flow/current and have no problem using 10g+ floats if I think the situation requires it.
My all time favourite with this is on the Stour trotting for chub. Big chunky bulks but small hooks and baits, often down to a #20 and single red maggot. Just because your using a carpenter's offcut for a float, it doesn't mean you can't fish fine on the business end.
I can't stress enough, it's just the way I do it. It's not right and it's not wrong, it works for me, I enjoy it and it's caught me enough fish over the years to keep me happy!