I still use double trebles... Snap tackle, Jardine rigs or whatever you want to call them and based on something I saw as a kid on the upper Witham I modified the spacing and positioning to enable me to instantly strike and it barely ever lets me down.
I use it for Zander too.
I don't position one treble in the root of the tail, or the head, with the other treble mid body.
I shorten the distance between the two trebles and position them both to span the mid-body of the deadbait, right where I watched my first ever Pike suck up my deadbait from off that riverbed, with it slumped sideways across its beak before turning it.
I've been down single and circle hook rigs to quite an extent with a higher loss ratio but this approach allows me to strike instantly, I put more fish on the bank by using it and i've never had a deep hooked fish with it.
I've also wondered why Pike pick up deadbaits this way and all I can conclude is that the bigger surface area of the mid-body of a deadbait attracts more 'draw' when the Pike opens its mouth than the streamlined head or tail, making it easier to pick up where it then goes on to turn the bait with relative ease.
I do think that trebles look barbaric by comparison but the reality of what i've been doing for some time now helps to level things up when you consider that out of the six hook points it's one or two at the most which actually penetrate that bony mouth and then only very shallow given the fact i'm striking instantly with full confidence, making for far quicker and easier hook removal.
It's an incentive to strike quickly too...
The longer the wait the more chance the Pike has of detecting the hooks and throwing the bait.