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  • P
    Pete Shears reacted to @Clive's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I have just got back from the worst day's fishing that I can remember. I knew that I was on a hiding to nothing when I looked over the...
  • P
    Pete Shears reacted to Steve Arnold's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    This afternoon I headed upriver, the hunt was for a barbel as I had failed on my last session. The day was sunny but a cold North wind...
  • P
    Pete Shears reacted to tommos16's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    Evening all. Been a long time since ive posted - hope all are well. Had a good one today, worthy of a post at least. I've been steadily...
  • seth49
    seth49 reacted to @Clive's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I have just got back from the worst day's fishing that I can remember. I knew that I was on a hiding to nothing when I looked over the...
  • seth49
    seth49 reacted to mikench's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I met up with Gordon on a reasonably familiar water and set up on the opposite side to previously. It was mild,calm and , when the sun...
  • chrisjpainter
    Has anyone got one of the above? I'm looking for a new float rod, but am not really after a pellet waggler and 12ft is really an...
  • Peter Jacobs
    Peter Jacobs reacted to mikench's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I met up with Gordon on a reasonably familiar water and set up on the opposite side to previously. It was mild,calm and , when the sun...
  • Steve Arnold
    Steve Arnold reacted to mikench's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    Damned weather is mucked up everywhere. you only need to look at what has happened in the UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar for evidence of...
  • mikench
    mikench replied to the thread How did you get on?.
    Damned weather is mucked up everywhere. you only need to look at what has happened in the UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar for evidence of...
  • Steve Arnold
    Steve Arnold reacted to mikench's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I met up with Gordon on a reasonably familiar water and set up on the opposite side to previously. It was mild,calm and , when the sun...
  • Steve Arnold
    Steve Arnold replied to the thread How did you get on?.
    Tough shift! We decided to give Spain a miss this last winter. But the thought of some warmth is tempting, it's been a long, wet winter...
  • H
    Hugh Bailey reacted to mikench's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I met up with Gordon on a reasonably familiar water and set up on the opposite side to previously. It was mild,calm and , when the sun...
  • Steve Arnold
    Steve Arnold reacted to @Clive's post in the thread How did you get on? with Sad Sad.
    I have just got back from the worst day's fishing that I can remember. I knew that I was on a hiding to nothing when I looked over the...
  • mikench
    mikench replied to the thread How did you get on?.
    I met up with Gordon on a reasonably familiar water and set up on the opposite side to previously. It was mild,calm and , when the sun...
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  • The Sogster
    The Sogster reacted to @Clive's post in the thread How did you get on? with Like Like.
    I have just got back from the worst day's fishing that I can remember. I knew that I was on a hiding to nothing when I looked over the...