Every now and again a gadget really stands out as a ‘must have’and I must say that working with and making up groundbaits as I dothe new Gardner Bait Bomb is to me one of those ‘must have’ items.
Like most anglers I spend a lot of time reading up on variousitems while browsing my local tackle shops.
When I pick up a packet containing one of these new gadgets myinterpretation of its usefulness falls into two categories if, whilstreading the information, I think, “that’s handy,” then it will oftengo back on the shelf while I ‘think about it’.
But if, while reading the blurb, my mind is already thinking aboutits uses to me then it’s a sale. Well, while reading about the BaitBomb, not only was I thinking about its uses but I was also thinkingof the mixes to use with it, and that made it an instant sale!

The Gardner Bait Bomb allows the angler to make up giant pelletsof groundbait for use with in-line lead set-ups. This is the cleverpart, the shape of the piston means that the inside of the pellet hasa cavity that slips nicely over the top of the lead holding it inplace, whilst the outer sleeve has a piece that ensures a groove iscut through from one side so all you have to do is slip the bomb ontoyour line and drop it on the lead.
The packet also mentions that you can fish with a free lined baitand use the Bait Bomb as the casting weight.
A quick read of the simple to follow instructions and I was raringto go.
1/ Fill the cylinder with your chosen mix.
2/ Compress your mix with the piston.
3/ Push the finished bomb out; you can use it straight from thetool.
On the reverse of the packet are more in-depth instructions,including a couple of suggestions for binders – plain flour or a mixof flour and sugar. After you’ve made the bombs you can either leavethem to dry out naturally or you can microwave 6-8 bombs at a timefor 1-2 minutes.
Was it really as simple as they say?
Spot on! I found I could make up a kilo of my mix in what seemedminutes and with little effort.
Using groundbait practically every time I go fishing (well, Iwould, wouldn’t I, in my job!) and fishing The Method a lot, I cansee this item finding its way into my kit at most opportunities. TheGardner Bait Bomb allows anglers to make up various mixes beforefishing and fish them literally like a Pick n Mix selection,depending on what’s occurring.
Theoretically there is no reason why there can’t be two, or eventhree, Bait Bomb pellets stacked up the line, allowing a combinationof mixes to be used. This was my tactic during a recent session usingour own range of mixes, one is the Marsden’s Magic Frutti Tench andthe other being Marsden’s Magic Dog Nobbler. A fruit and spice mixfor the offering and not a groundbait bowl in sight.
As the packet says, microwaved Bait Bombs can be stored for monthsin an airtight container, so I now have a couple of kilos of eachthat I can pick up at a moment’s notice for those spur of the momentsessions.
The only tip I can really give when using the Gardner Bait Bomb isto make sure you use the correct shaped lead to ensure the bomb sitssnug onto it to enable it to withstand a long cast.
Using the Gardner Bait Bomb has even inspired me into creating amix for use with it, and if anyone from Gardner Products should readthis I am always open to encouragement….
Gardner Bait Bomb
Available from most tackle shops
Price: £ 5.99