Harrison Advanced Rods Sponsor the FishingMagic Rigs LibraryHARRISON ADVANCED RODS sponsor the FishingMagic Rigs Library and will give three great prizes every month to the best rig or fly we receive.
The most popular pages on FM by far are the forum and the Rigs Library, which are exactly that; a comprehensive selection of terminal tackles, or rigs, devised by, or simply submitted by, FishingMagic members. They range from simple link legers to decidedly more complicated rigs that can be tricky to tie. But we make it as easy as possible by providing photographs or sketches. Now you can win some top quality Owner hooks from Harrisons simply by submitting a description and pictures of a rig or fly of your own design. The rig or fly doesn’t have to be entirely unique, but should incorporate something in its design that is your own idea. Each month, at least for the next three months, Harrisons will award £ 50.00 worth of Owner hooks to the best rig or fly, £ 30.00 worth to the runner-up, and £ 20.00 worth to the third placed rig or fly. If you incorporate an Owner hook into a winning design it could well be used in a rigs booklet that will be published by Harrisons and will mean you will be rewarded with a further £ 50.00 worth of Owner hooks. Rigs and flies will be given points for usefulness, novelty, and quality of tying (where flies are concerned). The editor (that’s me) will judge submissions and award points accordingly. Send all text, photographs and sketches to editor@fishingmagic.com. If you prefer you can send the actual rig or fly to me, with a few words of description, and I’ll do what photography is necessary. Email me first for the postal address. Harrison Advanced Rods Harrison’s now distribute some great tackle from other leading brands, including Owner (world famous for hooks, lures and small tools), Hiro, a brand that offers a massive range of terminal tackle, including hooks, swivels, sabiki, and specialist rods and reels. Thousands of items, covering the latest techniques and UK mainstream fishing. However, although Harrison Advanced Rods are branching into other areas, and are a British company who are going places, Managing Director Dr Steve Harrison has this to say, “Harrison Advanced Rods remains our premier brand, the leading brand for ‘Made in England’ rods and blanks. The UK is still the best place to manufacture rods for UK style fishing.” | ||