Hotteeze Heat Pads

Price: Heat Pads £9.99 for 10, Heat Pads for Feet £ 4.99 for 5


  • Self-heating pads
  • Eco friendly
  • Average of 53 degrees Celsius (41 for foot pads) over 12 hours
  • Self adhesive



Keeping warm has been made easier with the new Hotteeze Heat Pads – designed to keep you warm for up to 12 hours as well as soothing aching muscles, joints and abdominal pain.

A huge hit in Japan, the eco-friendly pads work through the process of oxidisation – as soon as the pad is exposed to the air it begins to react and produce heat which can amazingly reach an average of 53 degrees Celsius over 12 hours.

Self adhesive

Worn close to the skin the self adhesive pads radiate heat from the moment they are in use, and what’s more the light weight and slim-line design mean they are entirely discreet and can be worn underneath any kind of clothing.

Hotteeze are also available in an insole shape for keeping feet warm in wet and cold conditions – perfect for outdoor activities such as fishing, skiing and camping; not to mention keeping your toes warm in the rugby or football stands. With a temperature of up to 41 degrees Celsius, the insoles are specially designed for optimum results and are also deodorising and anti-bacterial.

And what’s more Hotteeze are completely guilt-free…once you’ve finished with a pad you can amazingly use the contents as a first rate soil conditioner. This coupled with the combustible; toxin free wrapper makes the Hotteeze heat pads not only a great way to keep warm – but also a great green idea.

available selectively at


I’ve used heat generating pads before and found them to be of great benefit when stood or sat around and you want a specific area of a your body kept especially warm.

Two areas where I feel the cold are the bottom of my back, which is also the first place I get an ache, and my toes. So heat pads are a welcome addition to the usual thermals.

What’s different about these Hotteeze heat pads is that they are won over your clothing; over tee-shirts, pants, or socks. The benefit of that is that you don’t run any risk of skin irritation, which can be a problem with other makes of heat pad that adhere directly to the skin. The downside is that you have to be careful your clothing stays in place, ie, your tee-shirt doesn’t ride up your back, and consequently takes the heat away from where you want it.

I got around 10 hours of good heat from the pads I’ve tried, with two or three hours of less intense heat after that. The heat is hot enough to easily feel and get the benefit of, but not so hot it’s uncomfortable.

Rating: 9/10

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