South West & South Wales Regional Junior Championships 2001
Saturday 21 July 2001 on Kennet & Avon Canal, Seend
A blustery overcast Saturday saw the Junior Regional Championshipstake place on the Kennet and Avon Canal at Seend. Ten teams fromacross the region and its boundries took place. The canal did notfish as well as it is can but there were still some good weights puttogether.
Individual winner on the day was Callum Dicks of Bathampton Blackwho included a carp of about 8lb in his total of 5.690kg.
Team winners were the Peatmoor ‘A’ team who under the guise ofThree Counties and latterly Peatmoor have now won the event for fiveconsecutive years – an outstanding achievement. The success of theteam is down to Pete Sarahs who has over the years brought hundredsof youngsters into angling – a model for us all.
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1. Peatmoor Juniors ‘A’ | | | |
2. Devizes & Lavington Red | | | |
3. Bathampton Black | | | |
4. Taunton Juniors | | | |
5. Newbury Juniors | | | |
6. Bathampton Blue | | | |
7. Devizes & Lavington Blue | | | |
8. Exeter & District | | | |
9. Stoutshill | | | |
10. Peatmoor Juniors B | | | |
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