The shrimp, Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, a relative of the ‘killer shrimp’, has been found on the River Severn at Tewkesbury and Bevere near Worcester. It has also been found on two canals in Worcestershire; the first time this non-native shrimp, which has been shown to be invasive on mainland Europe, has been found in the UK.

The shrimp was found after routine sampling by Severn Trent Water and experts conclusively identified the species. Shortly after, other populations were discovered on the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal and the Worcester and Birmingham Canal. The sites are spread over a distance of approximately 38 kilometres.

While this new invasive shrimp species is related to the ‘killer shrimp’, it is uncertain at this stage what its impact might be but it is being treated as a high impact species and an immediate assessment of the risks has been commissioned.

A dedicated team is in place to establish how far the shrimp has spread along the river and canal network and the local response is being supported by a National Task Group involving staff from: Defra, Welsh Government and expert advisors from the Environment Agency, Natural England and the Countryside Council for Wales.

The Environment Agency and Canal & River Trust are urging all water users to help slow the spread of this invasive species by helping publicise the bio-security advice available at All water users should check, clean and dry all their equipment after use, before using it at another location. Boat users must be particularly careful to ensure that boats and kayaks are drained, cleaned and dried. Boat trailers must also be thoroughly cleaned after use. Anglers should ensure that nets and other equipment are cleaned and dried thoroughly.

If you think you have seen an unusual shrimp, please email a photograph to for identification.

David Throup, Environment Manager for the Environment Agency said:

“We are concerned that this invasive species has been found in the Midlands. We now have a dedicated team whose focus is to establish the degree of the problem, and whether the shrimp has spread wider than the locations already found. We are treating this as a priority so that we can come up with a plan to help contain its spread as far as possible.”

Chris John, National Ecologist for the Canal & River Trust said:

“As the charity responsible for caring for 2000 miles of canals and rivers across the country, one of our primary aims is to protect the nations waterways from invasive species such as this. We need the support of people that enjoy the waterways to prevent the shrimp spreading by checking, cleaning and drying any clothes, equipment or craft that could carry invasive species, before and after they visit the waterways, and by reporting any suspected sightings of the shrimp through the dedicated email address.”