This week RMC’s Kingsmead Lake One received a significant stock boost in the shape of 80 prime Fishers Pond carp grown on by fish farmer Mark Simmons.

Kingsmead Head Bailiff Gary Trood
introduces another stockie

Of the 80 new carp introduced the vast majority were mirrors and 67 of the fish were already into double figures and the remaining 13 were not far short of the mark.

Given the growth rate of the carp previously stocked into Kingsmead it will not be long before the first of these new fish reaches 20lb.

A steady trickle of carp are currently being caught from Kingsmead Lake One but it is said that it will be spring before anglers start to see the best that the venue has to offer.

By the new season it is reckoned that at the very least there will be five different carp topping 30lb in the 30 acre fishery. Already there is a good head of fish over 20lb.

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