I’ve done quite a bit of fishing with a ‘bagging waggler’, as they’re known, this year, mostly on Clattercote reservoir in Oxfordshire, which is neither your usual commercial carp fishery nor a typical big fish water. It lies somewhere between the two. Nevertheless, it is a prolific carp fishery and responds very well to the bagging waggler method when the conditions are conducive to that type of fishing.  Apart from being able to do the job properly, one thing in particular is needed for successful bagging waggler fishing: the float should be strong enough to withstand the shock of being cast a fair distance while carrying 2 or 3oz of groundbait, and also to withstand the shock of crashing into the surface whilst carrying that lot. Then it must be able to contend with suddenly being viciously pulled through the water when a hungry carp takes the bait. I can tell you, there are some bagging waggler floats on the market that break up far too easily.  This one from Korum isn’t one of them. The plastic stem is strong and, most important, somewhat flexible, which helps it to takes the rough treatment expected of these types of float. And I agree with what Korum say about the bulbous sight top; it is essential to help the bolt effect and to stop the float from plunging too far beneath the surface when cast from a good distance. The plastic method feeder with built-in weight at the base is more or less the standard Korum Ball In-line Feeder. It has a shape that casts very well indeed and makes a good job of gripping the feed whilst in flight. All in all an excellent bagging waggler float. |