What made this one hard to actually choose a winner and runner-up was the huge number of similar entries, all with a Bill Oddie, rings, bums, inflation, smoke and good looks theme. In the end I put all the similar ones in a FISHINGmagic cap and made a draw for the winner and runner-up. So, the winning entry in the Kryston Caption Competition was from Murray Rogers with:
And the runner-up was Pete Haskell, with this caption: “Gary was convinced that if he blew hard enough he would inflate the carrier-bag sticking out of Eddie’s arse.” Murray will get a Kryston goody bag that includes a quality sweatshirt with the famous Snakebite logo, two packs of Sweetcorn Doppel-ganger and two packs of Halibut Doppel-ganger, one spool each of Mantis Gold, Snakebite Gold and Supanova, one bottle of Icky Paint and Stick Glue, one tub of Heavy Metal and a bottle of Klin-ik. Pete wins a Kryston goody bag that includes a quality sweatshirt with the famous Snakebite logo, one pack of Sweetcorn Doppel-ganger and one pack of Halibut Doppel-ganger, one spool each of Mantis Gold and Snakebite Gold, and one bottle of Icky Paint and Stick Glue, one tub of Drop ‘Em and a bottle of Klin-ik. Winners, please email me with your street addresses. All the entries can be seen here: . |