Kryston Heavy Metal ExtraNew Super Non Toxic Tungsten Putty
A Little HistoryWhen we first introduced our famous putty to the market back in 1990 anglers greeted it with open arms. This was simply due to it being far better than anything else on the market.It’s incredible weight to size ratio meant that anglers could now fine-tune and critically balance their pop-ups to a degree never before possible. No longer did they have to use huge lumps of counter-balancing putty, often the size of their baits. For the first time a lead-free alternative was available that offered superior presentation far in excess of anything before. Sadly in 2006 the processing company that produced it for us were forced into liquidation. Following many enquiries with the few manufacturing companies left in the UK who could make it we were told the same story. Forget it, it was not worth it, too expensive, too labour intensive, and quantities not big enough etc, etc. With our backs to the wall that left us with one remaining option – we would have to make it ourselves!
Following considerable investment in plant and machinery plus countless hours of experimental trials we are delighted to announce that Heavy Metal is back and what’s more, it’s better than ever. The original formula has been fine tuned giving us better adhesion and therefore greater grip. it’s easier to manipulate and all this with no loss of weight. This product, without question, is the finest putty on sale. Give it a try, truly we are more than impressed, I am sure that you will be too. Dave Chilton First TrialsI’ve been using pre-production samples of this new Heavy Metal Extra for some time and as good as the original outsourced Heavy Metal was there is no doubt that this is better.Dave Chilton always turns out better product when the process is in his own hands, and now he has the basic formula and the machinery to produce tungsten putty it comes as no surprise that Dave has perfected the process and produced a tungsten putty that he knows is second to none. It’s better weight to size ratio is very noticeable, as is the ease with which it can be moulded to shape and the way it sticks to the line. Whether the three different colours will actually make any difference I couldn’t say, but if you believe it can then it’s your choice as you have olive green, pebble brown and natural silt to choose from. Graham Marsden |