Kryston Icky Brushable Rig Glue
Long Term Test

  • From Kryston Advanced Angling Ltd
  • High-grade cyanoacrylate ‘superglue’
  • Anti-clog nozzle
  • Specially treated brush remains supple
  • Available in all tackle shops
  • £ 3.99 per bottle
How many times have you ditched half full tubes of superglue due to blocked nozzles? How often have you flooded and spoilt your carefully prepared rig by squeezing too hard? If you want a safe, effective and simple solution then Kryston’s Icky is what you need.

Icky is a high-grade cyanoacrylate specifically designed for ease of use when making rigs. Simply paint on for a professional finish to all rigs. Ideal for all types of intricate rig work. Single or multiple layers pose no problems. Plastic, metal, rubber, beads and tubing firmly bonded in seconds. The specially treated brush will remain supple and reusable in normal use. Anti-clog nozzle prevents blockage. Application could not be easier, just paint and stick. Gives you a perfect precise coating every time. An essential tool for today’s rig enthusiast.


No arguments with any of the manufacturer’s description but they don’t mention one very important point: It’s perfect for fly tying.

When you need that extra tough coating on buzzers then reach for the Icky. Those trout will need teeth like Jaws to break through that skin and your buzzer will last much, much longer than is usual, which is great on those days when the rainbows are really going for it and snapping away at the fly on every retrieve.

I’ve used Icky for years on my end rigs and I’ve always been glad of that added security it gives knots without any ill effect on the material.

The brush makes it so easy to apply with real precision, which is a real bonus for me as I’m that guy you usually see having his fingers prised apart in hospital!

Great stuff, I have a bottle in every tackle box.