Lifesaver 4000UF Bottle

If you take part in any remote outdoor activities for extended periods but don’t relish the thought of having to carry enough clean drinking or cooking water to last the whole trip with you then the Lifesaver 4000UF could be the answer. Its inventor Michael Pritchard developed the bottle after seeing the serious problems caused by the December 2004 tsunami and the effects of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Provided you have access to a source of water such as a stream, lake, pond or even a puddle then the 4000UF will quickly filter out contaminates such as Bacteria, Viruses, Cysts, Parasites, Fungi and any other water borne microbiological pathogens to WHO (World Health Organisation) and EPA-US standards.

The bottle contains a Pre-Filter sponge to take out any grit or other visible particles, this sponge can even be used to “mop up” water from hard to fill areas such as shallow puddles or rainwater from roofs etc. The bottle has a capacity of 750ml and with a flow rate of approximately 2.5Ltr/min will provide safe clean drinking water very quickly.

Lifesaver_Logo_400_181561307.jpgIt is very simple to use, just unscrew the base and fill with water from whatever source you have available, then replace the base and give the inbuilt pump a couple of strokes. After a couple of minutes the cleansed and filtered water will be ready to drink from the sports bottle type teat that’s protected from contamination by the waterproof clipped down cap. No chemicals are used in the filtering process it simply uses a replaceable activated carbon filter that will treat up to 4000 litres before changing so there is no after taste of iodine as used by some purifying systems.

During the life of the filter cartridge it can be washed to remove any build up of particulates on its surface. The bottle can be stored unused for up to 3 years or once in use up to 2 years depending upon its usage.

It comes supplied with a carrying strap, instruction manual, silicon grease, carbon filter and a spare teat. We tested the bottle by filling it from a local muddy pond and were very impressed with the clarity of the water when poured into a glass and the lack of aftertaste in the filtered result after just a few minutes.

The Lifesaver bottle is available for £102.50 (inc VAT) from;-

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