P.O. Box 350, Warrington

Telephone (01925) 411774
Fax (01925) 411774

24 October, 2000

Winter is well on the way with its long cold fingers chilling waters down fast, with the first widespread ground frost speeding things up last Saturday night- Sunday morning.

Rapid temperature changes affect bigger bodies of waters less than they do smaller waters, therefore this buffering can give a clue to which water to visit during these temperature changes. Lymmvale continues to fish very well, with best action found off the bottom, approximately six foot below the surface.

Whitley Pool action is from the bottom, with carp, tench and uncoloured goldfish still providing reasonable sport, preferably during low light conditions.

On smaller waters sport is as variable as the weather. Village Pool remains the little star it is, by providing comparably good action regardless of the conditions. New, Woodside, Farm and Statham Pools are also performing well, with an upturn in carp action apparent on Statham Pool in particular.

Pike anglers are approaching what many feel to be their most productive time of year. Already Lymm Dam, Tabley Moat, Tabley Mere and the Sankey Canal are seeing an increase in the attentions of those anglers who target this most exciting and wary of species.

Luckily members also have a range of smaller waters, which offer good pike fishing; these include Abbey Lake, Statham Pool and Longbarn Pool where the action can be fast and furious.

Juniors are reminded that due to the nature of these fish and, as with all fish species, the requirement to handle them properly, they can only fish for them when accompanied by a senior competent enough to properly oversee these requirements.

At the Club’s recently held AGM a number of changes were made, including nominal increases to subscriptions and other fees, constitution modifications and the dissolution of the ‘Lady’ classification, the latter being necessary to comply with sex discrimination laws.

During the AGM the junior section organizer, Mark Dineley, called for all members with children to get them involved with the Junior Section activities. Earlier in the year Mark gained a City & Guilds qualification in coaching, via the National Federation of Anglers, where there is a real emphasis on the need to properly coach juniors on all aspects of fishing and watercraft, including environmental issues. Mark can be contacted on 0151 486 4401.

I can be contacted on 411774.