Neil Jupp
P.O. Box 350, Warrington
Telephone (01925) 411774
Fax (01925) 411774
17 April 2001
For the first time since the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, Ihave some good news in relation to the measures taken. I am able toannounce that Shakerley Mere has been reopened, and will remain openunless there is an outbreak that places the site within an exclusionzone.
This will be of particular good news to our carp specialistmembers with night permits, as this water is very popular with them,due to its head of big carp.
Shakerley increased its popularity with carp anglers when it wasravaged by cormorants in the late eighties and early nineties. As aresult, the marked depletion of silver fish and crucians created anenvironment for the carp, with plenty of food and space, where thecarp put on weight very fast indeed. There are numerous fish oftwenty pounds plus, with a number of fish exceeding 30 pounds.
However, the carp anglers don’t have it all to themselves anymore,following stockings and the effect of cormorant predation levelingout. It is now a fishery well worth a visit due to the improvement inthe silver fish situation. Bream of all sizes, roach and perch can becaught in good numbers, so much so the water is again being requestedas a venue by match fishing organisations.
This water is also available for day ticket anglers, with fishingallowed from dawn to dusk.
Elsewhere the fishing is improving, although a little slower onsome than on others. Grimsditch Mill Pool is fishing extremely wellwith skimmers obliging all the general pleasure anglers, with rudd,roach and perch doing their bit to add a little variety. Carpanglers are enjoying improving sport, although the best action takesplace either early morning or at the onset of dusk.
On Whitley Pool the carp shoals have been extremely visible, with,even, some signs of pre-spawning activity.
Club treasurer and fisheries officer, Mark Clowes reports spottingbig twenty pound ghost carp swimming near the surface and beingshadowed by much bigger, darker fish. There is a mirror carp of overthirty pounds in this water, which has been previously caught byDarren Wilson, and I have seen a common carp of at least thirtypounds patroling the margins.
The Sankey Canal and Longbarn Pool are reported as fishing verywell, especially for roach, bream, rudd and perch, also pike and carpcatches are featuring strongly.
For the members who have an overstamp, New Pool, Statham Pool andVillage Pool are all fishing very well indeed, with each nicelyrewarding our work party participants.
Just to remind, or inform, our over-sixties or disabled members,that there are weekly matches specifically for you each Wednesday.The matches are fished on the Sankey Canal, with the draw takingplace at 10.15 am on Waterways Car Park, just off Cromwell Avenue,the entry fee is £ 4 all in.
I can be contacted on 411774.
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