Lough Muckno, Ireland, 70 anglersLOUGH MUCKNO produced staggering match catches for the successful Monaghan Pairs Festival amounting to more than 4221 kilos – that is over 9,200lbs – of fish over five days.The popular ‘pairs’ match has been running for 24 years and consistently chucks up the best catches in Ireland and as a bonus there was a payout of £ 12,700.Teams-of-two form the main competition fishing on five different sections of the mammoth lake and this year’s champions are Mark Webb and Steve Clegg – both members of the north west Saints match group.
There are individual prizes from the optional pools and England Junior, 18 year old John Plowes (Tri-Cast Calder) with a five day haul of 109-840 kilos. On his first ever trip to Ireland, this talent young man used the same attack every day with a 14 metre pole, maggot, caster and worm, and his day totals were (day one) 27k (D2) 14-860 (D3) 20-790 (D4) 20-250 and (D5) 26-940. Meanwhile, the best single catch of the tournament came from Darren Taylor (Saints) who netted 43-480 kilos (about 96lb) of bream and roach while feeder fishing on the Black Island section of Lough Mucko. The competition is organised and sponsored by Anglers World & Leisure Angling. Monaghan Pairs result: 1 Mark Webb and Steve Clegg, Saints 13pts (176-300 kilos); 2 Matthew Forster and Robert Holt, Sensas NW 16pts (183-400 kilos); 3Craig Lewis and John Plowes, Tri-Cast Calder 17pts (187.200 kilos); 4 John Clapham and Gary Johnson (Foulridge) 18pts (175-970 kilos). |