Freezing fog created all sorts of problems for the Top 30 Final taking place at low water on the beach at Talacre.

Anyone who knows this shoreline on the Dee Estuary will be well aware of the dangers of fast incoming tides and deep gullies.

So the event only went ahead when organisers came along armed with compasses and a warning should any of the anglers get lost, to “walk back with the sea on your right for safety!”

But the featureless flat sand produced another major difficulty – nobody could see the channel buoy that indicates the best fishing ground and eventually when it cleared in the afternoon the match had been hopelessly off mark.

Mind you, the way Bill Lindfield is fishing these days he could be stood over a bucket of water and catch enough fish to win.

The Greasby company director realised it was going to be a scratching event so went armed with live yellow tails and white ragworm to catch three whiting and two dabs for a total weight of 2lb.

Brian Lewis from Birkenhead had a plaice, whiting and dab for 1lb 13oz then came Phil Moy from Leasowe with a catch of three dabs for 1lb 7oz.

Dave Houghton