Eight 30’s and Two New Lake RecordsAs water levels refresh, the Old Lake and Temple Lake have burst into life producing 8 thirties, which included new lake records. New member Paul Downey from Banstead, Surrey had an amazing first visit to Temple on Saturday September 30th, catching a new UK PB, and a new lake record to boot, in the shape of a 36lb 4oz mirror.
Fishing deep-water peg 10, Paul fished a Carp Company Icelandic Red boilie in conjunction with Crab and Krill bait tempting the fish from the island margins. Further details can be obtained from Paul on 0208 679 4444. Carrying tag number 143554, the big mirror was stocked on the 7/8/04 from the King George reservoir when it weighed 34lb 12oz. The fish has been caught six times since being stocked at weights between 33lb 8oz and 36lb 4oz. Regular Khi Gregory started his week’s session on Temple on Monday 2nd October and was quickly rewarded by catching the much sought-after ‘Ghost’, which weighed 30lb 4oz. Tuesday morning Khi fished peg 1 catching the ‘Ghost’ along with four other twenties, two commons and two mirrors, the best weighing 28lb 4oz just 3 days into his session. The successful bait was Perfection Groundbait Spicy Squid paste. Carrying tag number 143031, the ‘Ghost’ was one of our own stockfish, stocked on the 20/11/03 weighing just 23lb 9oz. The ‘Ghost’ has since been caught 5 times since 14/11/04 weighing between 30lb 1oz and 30lb 8oz.
Fishing alongside Khi on peg 2 was his guest Neil Green who has also bagged two fish early on in his session, a 35lb mirror and a 21lb common. Neil also fished bottom baits to the island margins catching both his fish on Perfection Groundbait Spicy Squid paste. Another angler to make the most of this week’s BIG fish bonanza was Geoff Sleigh who caught his first Temple thirty, a pretty 30lb 4oz mirror which he caught from peg 13 along with a 27lb 9oz mirror on a Perfection Groundbait Spicy Squid boilie fished to the open water channel. Turning to the Old Lake, Bill Clark from Fetcham, Surrey fished peg 71 behind the island catching a stunning 31lb 10oz common. Fishing a single Carp Company Icelandic Red boilie to the open water, Bill also managed a low twenty and an upper single during his session. Further details can be obtained from Bill by calling him on 07939 218225. Brian Nicholls from Mitcham, Surrey managed a new PB during his session on the Old Lake in the shape of a 31lb common. Fishing shallow water peg 3, Brian fished a single Carp Company Icelandic Red boilie with a PVA bag filled with pellets to the mid water channel. Brian can be contacted on 020 8679 2388 should you require further details. Old Lake regular Matthew Donovan had a bumper night catching 14 fish which included a big brace of mirrors weighing 28lb and 30lb 4oz. Field testing a new bait from ‘Bang on Baits’, Matthew fished peg 66 on the Old Lake catching all his fish by 1am when he reeled in as he had work the next morning. Further details can be obtained from Matthew on 07944 607838. James Ragget also caught his first thirty from the Old Lake, a 30lb 6oz mirror, which he caught from peg 19 fishing close in under the Willow tree. The successful bait was a Premier Baits Shellfish and Cinnamon 18mm boilies fished over 2 kilos of pellet. Should you require any further help, please do not hesitate to contact David de Vere on (01306) 877540. |