Singapore's waste disposal needs get a boost: why can't Britain think 'outside the box'...

Here's a report from Channel NewsAsia showing how Singapore deals with its waste-disposal. Certainly, it costs a fair bit to create the in-sea lagoon, but what price the environment? On top of that, it creates valuable land to build upon after just 25 years or so.

More excellent news: Bristol man, Roberto Cuenca, done for fly-tipping.

'Man with a Van', Roberto Cuenca, of Coldharbour Road, Redland, Bristol has been nabbed and prosecuted for making his own personal contribution to the despoliation of our wonderful Planet Earth.

Mid-July Photo-Caption Competition!

At first glance there's not much to say - but the more you think about it.... Come on, gents and ladies...thinking-caps on! (but puh-leeze! don't invoke the censor's button!)

Maintain your link with the outside world

A canoeing article I read over the weekend put me in mind of an incident that occurred on a stretch of the upper Wye last year; its message will be good for anglers as well as canoeists (we may be recreational foes but we don't want to see anyone die!)

Murder in the Fens: Fact or Fiction? Part 2

This is the second instalment of a short story. Whether or not it is true is for you to decide......

One Man’s Quest to Save the Most Colossal Fishes on Earth

ZEB HOGAN WAS already familiar with the legendary Mekong giant catfish. After all, he'd been studying the beasts, which grow to hundreds and hundreds of pounds, for years.

Murder in the Fens: Fact or Fiction?

This is the first instalment of a short story. Whether or not it is true is for you to decide...

The Classic Angler!

Every proper angler - past and present - will have groaned on hearing the non-believer's comments about 'the one that got away' and others alluding to the way fishermen habitually lie. It's almost embarrassing to open an article with such hackneyed wording but I've lazily used it to introduce 'Korky': long-dead but still hovering in the minds of so many Essex anglers who knew him well. I've modified his name a little but, really, he doesn't deserve such anonymity - he was an outrageous liar!