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Piranhas Turn Lake into Bloodbath

South American piranhas scoffing carp after being released into a Czech lake.

A Fishery of Your Own – Part One

In this new series Dr Paul Garner takes us along the long and fascinating road to creating your own fishery.

Cornish Match Scene

News about matches from the deep south, including a Christmas one with loads of goodies for prizes.

River Ter –Torella d’Montgri

Just to make us all dead envious a reader sends us a report and some pictures from sunny Spain.

New Records Accepted

Rejoice and rejection as Record Fish Committee accept some claims and reject others, and make a controversial decision about future catfish claims.

My Way with Pike

'If I had to choose my overall favourite method of piking I would, without a shadow of doubt, choose a free-roaming livebait fished on a sliding float.'

Frankenfish or Supersalmon?

American-Canadian company has genetically engineered a supersalmon to meet growing demand.