Bailey & Coster – Our Way with…Bread

Dave Coster - My Way with Bread IN THE BEGINNING My first proper acquaintance with...

My Greatest Angler

So here we are again in the midst of Covid Crisis and all we can do here at Fishing Magic is hopefully...

Dave Coster’s Fishing Diary – December

MISSING THE BUS Spalding is only 40 minutes’ drive from where I live, and behind a big shopping centre...

Book Review: Fishing as We Find It

Edited by Peter Wheat Published by Frederick Warne, 1967. 18/- (90p) There are many copies of this seminal book...

Bailey & Coster – Our Way with…Chub

This is a new series for Fishing Magic and the concept sounds a good one to us. Dave Coster is a hugely...

Fishing Magic Guiding – Our Broadland Adventure

It’s traditional to think of fishing guides, or gillies, as a part of the game scene but that is not the case...

Book Review: An Angler’s Journal by John Tomsett

Illustrated by Marvin Huggins. First published 2020. Available from Amazon at around £9.50 pp.164 A strange one this. It...

Book Review: Avon Roach Project by Trevor Harrop and Budgie Price A book review should be objective and the reviewer should be as invisible...