Irish Sea diesel spill came from Larne Caterpillar factory

Caterpillar has confirmed it was responsible for the massive diesel leak along the Larne coastline at the weekend.

Graham Elliott: Camping for Tench

Well, the day was finally here. I had bid on a 48 hour session in deepest Kent to try and catch a monster tench.

Young fisherman highlights more pollution in Lough Erne

In the latest sewage incident to blight Lough Erne, local fishing Classic winner Jordan Hall hits out at the quantity of baby wipes and sanitary items clogging the river bed in a stretch of water near the Lakeland Forum.

Ocean plastic pollution is like junk food for fish

Young fish like to gobble up plastic particles like it's candy, and it's killing them.

Scotland’s dismal environmental record on salmon farming exposed at international salmon conference

Scottish Government has laxer standards on control of sea lice parasites than any other salmon farming country in the North Atlantic


I can barely believe it myself but I'm old enough to have witnessed the evolution of the electric bite alarm, though I came onto the scene shortly after the commercial production of Richard Walker's famous 'Heron'. As a kid, the very sight of this piece of fishing-wizardry - safely encased within a glass cabinet in my local tackle store - would have me near-salivating in anticipation of owning one when I got older and, hopefully, richer - they weren't cheap for a lad dependent on pocket-money.

Eddie Benham: A Light Hearted Look at Bait Boats.

Let's take a look at the years Before Bait Boats. Well, if we look back through the ages we will find that long, long ago, David slew Goliath with a slingshot, an instrument designed to propel a pebble or stone.
