A New Era for Hayward's Farm and Sportfish

    Announcing a New Era for Sportfish ReadingSportfish Reading has always been a centre of excellence for game fishing, offering an unrivalled package...

Come Hell or High Water

Until I relocated I was unaware of the amazing extent to which spate-rivers so drastically change from season to season. In the space of just three years I have seen parts of Geoff Maynard's stretch of the Wye at Llanthomas totally transformed by winter floods, deluges that conceal their dirty work for weeks on end until the water recedes and reveals the damage - a term I use here for convenience, for 'damage' may not be the appropriate word to describe drastic change.

Catch a Crucian Month launches at Marsh Farm with a new ID guide

Catch a Crucian month was formally launched this week at an Association of Crucian Anglers fish-in at Godalming Angling Society's water at Marsh Farm fishery in Surrey.

Anglers Mail June 7th 2016

ANGLER'S MAIL magazine this week brings you exclusives galore - including a free rod licence voucher.

Angling Trust East of England Fisheries Forum (Essex) June 9th 2016 – Final...

In association with the Environment Agency, Langham Community Centre, School Road, Colchester, Essex CO4 5PA.

'Deola's Pond' by Altamash Kabir wins FM 2016 Writing Competition

The brief given to each of our esteemed judges was to mark each entry purely on the 'enjoyment' factor - their immediate feeling on finishing each of the articles and nothing more. 'Deola's Pond' was just 2 points ahead of Ian Nesbitt's 'Strictly No Dancing' and just 3 points ahead of Jack Croxall's 'Old Monastery Pool', but to quote one of the directors of Sportfish "The overall standard was really very good"

Identify the Venue

No prizes this time, just a bit of fun trying to pin-point where this shot was taken some 10 years ago. Naturally, a great many viewers won't have a clue, but the spot will be well-known to a great many anglers from all over the country. The precise location is required!

Action against illegal fishing falls after cuts at enforcement agency

Data released to Greenpeace in response to FoI requests show number of prosecutions has dropped significantly in recent years