Riverfly Census raises concerns over pollution in River Wensum.

New concerns have been raised over the health of the River Wensum after it was ranked bottom of a national survey of invertebrate life along protected watercourses. The 2015 Riverfly Census, commissioned by fisheries charity Salmon and Trout Conservation UK (STCUK), surveyed 120 sites at seven rain-fed rivers and five chalk streams across the country.

Catch a Crucian Month June 2016

Great prizes to be won in brand new photo competition

Last of the Letters from Essex: The African Queen.

14.2.95 Dear *****, I've got to tell you about my New Year's Day trip which all came into being after a conversation I had with The Hedgehog in my local boozer on Boxing Day lunchtime.

Letters from Essex: The Whinger gets his come-uppance.

9.1.95 Dear ****, Got the flu, or the remnants of it, at least. I'm very pissed-off and ain't wet a line since New Year's Day which I'll tell you about later. Meanwhile, I'm killing time waiting to go to work tonight (it's about 7pm as I write) so I thought I'd sit and daydream about balmy Autumn days beside a Wessex river.of flat-calm, freezing, foggy November mornings.of jewel-like June dawns beside a favourite tench lake that's so flat and unruffled that the peacock quill looks like it's in a painting of Venables' , but then I thought 'Nah. **** it, I'll pen a letter instead'.

Letters from Essex: STOP PRESS!!

Dear *****, Thought I'd let you know that just after I'd popped-out to post my last letter to you the other evening, I'd just got in and the phone was ringing AND it was actually for ME - a rare occurrence in my house with four daughters.

So What Do Carp Really Eat?

This is a re-run of Ian Gemson's excellent 2012 article. Well worth a second reading, I think... (Ed)

Tackle-up for mayfly

Trout Rods | Fly Reels | Trout Lines | Trout Flies | Fly Tying | Clothing   'Duffers' Fortnight' is almost upon us - that...

Mrs O'Dell: Best Keep Schtum!

Beep, beep , beep, the alarm sounded on the bedside table, Tony reached out one hand and pressed the off button, threw back the covers and slowly got out of bed.