Rod Sturdy: How Far Have We Come?

Dick Walker still has legendary status among anglers. Although of course he was himself unaware of it, he was my mentor as a youth, and remains very much so, even thirty years after his death. I felt that through his writings I knew him personally. In my view, and that of many others, he has never been, and will never be, surpassed in his radical analysis and complete re-think of angling as it had become in the 1950s.

Angling Trust calls on Marine Management Organisation to help tackle illegal bass fishing

The Angling Trust has called on the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to investigate reports of licensed fishing vessels illegally drift netting for bass off the Essex coast.

Pottle in a Pickle

I have on one or two occasions written about my old club waters at South Ockendon in Essex, the paradise that was lost to Thurrock Council's lack of imagination and London's need for a massive waste disposal site where the humble council-house residents wouldn't complain.

The Silence of the Barbel

For much of the summer of 2013 the rivers had been fishing sporadically at best, and the River Severn was no exception; in an attempt to avoid low water levels, high temperatures and armadas of canoes we delayed our trip by about three weeks.

Some Canterbury Tales: a Collection of Remembrances, Lies and Half-Truths by Geoffrey Chancer aka...

When my mate Baz and I were Seventeen we both joined a local angling club. They had no waters of their own, but went on weekly trips aboard a coach, usually venturing into the deepest wilds of Kent and occasionally travelling further afield. The spirit of the club lives with me still. I don't recollect ever meeting such an ill assorted bunch of lunatics, idiots and nutcases all assembled in the same place. Well, I did once visit someone in the local mental hospital, but when I think back, her fellow inmates didn't even come close to this lot.

The Fishing Magic Prize Writing Competition: there's still time…

There is still plenty of time to recall the details of that fantastic day's fishing you had and get them down on paper - so to speak.

Fishing Magic Acquires Salmon Fishing Forum

"Fish and Fly Ltd are pleased to announce we have signed a binding contract to acquire the websites www.salmonfishing and the smaller site from Alan Maughan with the transfer taking effect on 31st May 2016.

Sportfish Reading Show 2016 nearly here!

    THE SPORTFISH READING SHOW 2016, 7th - 8th MAY THE fishing show of the summer takes place at Haywards Farm Fishery, ...