Angling Trust and Fish Legal demand United Utilities come clean over River Kent pollution

Anglers in Cumbria got an unpleasant surprise when the River Kent's water levels finally began to fall this spring. A foul-smelling, cloudy discharge of sewage effluent became evident, gushing from temporary outfall pipes at United Utilities' Kendal Waste Water Treatment Works, which had suffered serious damage from Storm Desmond.

No reply…

What follows here is a letter I wrote and sent to The Thurrock Gazette a few years back. I received no reply but a recent reminder elicited a reply from a young reporter who expressed her interest in the matter - but nothing more has been heard since. I reproduce my original letter here only for general interest; I certainly don't expect it to invoke further investigation.

Gear up, Game on with Sportfish

      GEAR UP. GAME ON WITH OUR FREE POSTAGE OFFER!Much of the Easter weather was not ideal for fishing but the very best of...

Rod Sturdy: A True Roach

Saturday 11 February 2012 was no doubt an unremarkable day for many. For me it was one of the most memorable of my whole life. I caught a roach which must qualify as hefty by anybody's standards.

Anglers Mail March 29th 2016

ANGLER'S MAIL magazine is back with a Spring Tips Special, helping you make the most of the longer, warmer days ahead.

Salmon and Trout Conservation Scotland: News Release.

Sea lice at Scottish salmon farms run by Sainsbury's supplier yet again threatening west coast wild salmon and sea trout. Challenge to supermarket to replace earlier 'warm words' with robust action. S&TCS calls on Sainsbury's to refuse to accept farmed fish from sea-lice infested farms and to support the S&TCS campaign to change the law to protect wild salmon and sea trout

Martin Salter: Back at it Down Under

Australia has become a second home to me of late and right now I'm on my fifth visit in seven years. I'm mainly here on holiday and to catch up with old friends but I was asked to do a bit of work for New South Wales Fisheries to help spread the habitat gospel amongst anglers in the Murrumbidgee River catchment.

Eddie Benham: My Name's Brian…

First of all let me introduce myself. My name's Brian and I'm a friend of Eddie. I'm not really able to write this piece myself due to an unfortunate death in the family, so I have asked Eddie to write it on my behalf. This then is my story.