.because they will be out to get us! And there are a lot of them about, more than ever in fact.

Cartoon Caption Competition No.11

Thinking caps on, Fishing Magicians...LOADSA scope here!

Welsh Government Wants to Improve Access to 'Responsible' Outdoor Activities

The Welsh Government says "Everyone should have the chance to experience parks, woodlands, mountains and the coast through a range of activities (presumably, rivers are included in this line-up) "Outdoor recreation makes a valuable contribution to Wales and its economy whilst creating a number of health, environmental and social benefits"

Book Now for the Angling Trust Sussex Marine Region Mullet Masterclass

Following on from the hugely successful Mullet Masterclass Day in 2013, the Angling Trust Sussex Marine Region will once again be working alongside the National Mullet Club to promote mullet fishing in Sussex rivers.

The Bognor Bag

Your editor is something of a hero, you know.. It was Alan Yates' very welcome article that took me back to Bognor Regis, circa 1990, where I was bass fishing from the promenade (laugh.anything would've done) I was with my brother, catching nothing, but generally happy with the warm sea-breeze and an ice cream.

War on Litter a Top Priority

Not the sexiest of headlines but Fishing Magic makes no apology for highlighting the phenomena of littering and rubbish-dumping. Stoke-on-Trent City council Leader, David Conway, seems to have the right idea when it comes to stamping down hard on those who would spoil YOUR environment.

War on Litter a Top Priority

Not the sexiest of headlines but Fishing Magic makes no apology for highlighting the phenomena of littering and rubbish-dumping. This chap, Stoke-on-Trent City council Leader, John Van de Laarschot, seems to have the right idea when it comes to stamping down hard on those who would spoil YOUR environment. Too few people make a stand on seeing an act of littering yet it's happening all around us ALL of the time. Keep your eyes open in just about any town centre and you'll witness these acts of environmental vandalism with depressing frequency.

County Durham man who dumped mountain of waste illegally could face record bill

I confess here to exercising a little 'Editor's Privilege' in shining the spotlight on Tony Shepherd of Winston, Darlington, who thought it was acceptable to illegally scar the landscape with tons of illegally dumped trash. The case has no direct bearing on angling but plenty of similar cases do. Fishing Magic will always do its bit in shaming those scum-bags with zero respect for their environment and their fellow man. This from Chronicle Live...