Fish farming

This side of the business is now drawing to a close for the season. Which included sorting through around 200 tonnes of carp and selling in the region of 70 tonnes. (Including around 20 tonnes of twenties and a tonne of low thirties) Pisciculture Bachelier is the largest and most respected producer of big carp in Europe, because of this and his contacts with other French fish farmers, I know, or have access to information relating to almost all-legitimate sales of carp in France. I promise that many reports currently being publicised in the U.K. regarding the purchase of carp for fisheries are just not true!


I currently have10 ancient and beautiful lakes to manage, all located in the Champagne forest reserves. Together, they total some 500 acres of water containing in the region of 60 tonnes of big carp that includes thousands of thirties, hundreds of forties and more fifties every year. These spectacular fisheries provide some 4000 angler/weeks fishing per season, for carp anglers not only from the U.K., but from all over Europe. This year with a team of 10 strong men, all have been drained and we have ‘cropped’ 2/3 of the roach, rudd, pike, perch, zander and tench from these rich and productive waters. Most of the ‘nuisance’ species have been removed along with any small carp, and we have undergone a ‘stock take’ of an unprecedented magnitude. Furthermore, we have upgraded the fisheries with the introduction of new stocks of big carp, these being taken at the vidange of the 500-acre North Lake (fish farm) at Lac Horre.

With work of this enormity it is simply not possible to record every detail. But for the most part, as well as ‘pulling my weight’, I have been busy keeping records of the stocks and stocking and taking photographs of many of the beautiful carp that have been introduced to the fisheries.

In addition and perhaps more importantly, is the introduction of a fish tagging programme. This winter we have begun the largest microchip tagging operation in history. Presently 600 carp have been implanted with a microchip before being re-introduced to the lakes. A further 1400 carp will be tagged by our bailiffs as caught by the anglers during 2002.

Etang de Maurepaire (50 acres, max 16 anglers)

I had not planned a vidange at Maurepaire until 2003; however, I needed to lower the lake to finish constructing the new fish fence cutting off 25 acres of unfishable jungle, and to keep the carp in front of the anglers. I was also curious to learn of the secrets held within the murky depths.

The draining of Maurepaire is a tricky job. The lakebed is so flat; there is only 6 inches difference in the depth from one end of this mile long lake to the other. This dictates that by the time the lake is low enough to pull the fish to the dam, there is not enough water for the carp to remain upright. When the time is right the work begins, and with only inches of water remaining the silt is easily disturbed, at which time you no longer have water, you have black custard. Once the net is at the dam, there is a maximum of one hour to sort the fish. First to come out are the roach, rudd and pike, these species cannot survive long in these conditions. Then the work begins on the carp and cats.

I had estimated that for the season 2002, Maurepaire would hold in the region of 100 carp over 40lbs. However, at the vidange we found 60 mirrors and 21 commons, making a total of 81 that will be over 40lbs for the beginning of next season, with 2 or 3 of them looking to be over 50lbs. The stock also contained 159 thirties, around half of which were upper thirties, with the majority of the remainder being in the twenties.

The reason for not achieving my target this year soon became clear, we found to our disappointment that we had lost around 50 carp to the professional thieves. Without this interference, I believe that my target would have been attained. Consequently, the stock was removed and held at a secure location for 3 weeks. Now all of the 6 tonnes of Maurepaire carp have been implanted with a microchip and have been re-introduced to the lake, along with new stock to replace the stolen fish. Furthermore, we now have a resident bailiff at this site. The stealing of carp continues to increase, and is a sad reality within our chosen sport. However, with the present stock and the new security measures, I predict that Maurepaire will hold in the region of 130 carp over 40lbs for 2003.

Etang de la Horre (South Lake, fishery) (250 acres, max 30 anglers)

As always, the vidange at La Horre revealed an awesome amount of big fish. We have 35 tonnes of carp here. With this amount of carp it is just not possible to count the numbers of thirties and forties. The photographs shows Mike Stone with the current lake record of 58lbs, (I predict that this fish will pass the 60lb barrier in 2002) and Patrice with one of the large commons,

Etang de Jonchery (30 acres, max 10 anglers)

The vidange here revealed that we are to have another venue that will be producing 50s for 2003. Jonchery has also received a stocking of a further 100 carp, including many 30s and 4 upper 40s.

Etang la Renarde (25 acres, max 10 anglers)

The vidange at Renarde exposed many thirties and 2 carp over 40lbs and has now received a further stocking of 50 carp, including 3 forties and many thirties more.

Etang du Baudet (20 acres, 4 to 6 anglers)

We have closed Baudet for the 2002 season to carry out essential works to the dam wall. This will also allow us the opportunity to improve the fishery with the construction of new swims and paths, and also to ‘organize’ the lily pads that proliferate at this venue.

New lakes for 2002 include;

Etang de La Fountaine aux Loups, (38 acres, max 12 anglers)

Etang de la Barriere, (29 acres, max 6 anglers)

Etang de la Carperolle (5 acres, max 2 anglers)

Etang Remy (25 acres, max 10 anglers)

Planned for 2003

Etang le Petit Orient (26 acres, max 10 anglers)

The carp that we have introduced to these beautiful lakes are to the same enviable standard as our known Drive and Survive fisheries. These new venues have all been stocked with carp to upper 40s. I have included some photographs of these fish for your interest.

The average price for our Drive and Survive venues is less than £160.

For more information on any of these spectacular fisheries, simply contact Drive and Survive for a copy of our new brochure or alternatively you can visit our web site.

Tel 01536 505791 Fax 01536 505792

David Payne

Barriere big mirror


Fish Fence

fountaineauxloups stocking


Another Jonchery fish

Jonchery new stock

La Horre

La Horre, Mike

Maurepaire common

Another Maurepaire common

Maurepaire mirror

Renarde new stock