FISHINGmagic launched its new Photo Gallery a couple of weeks ago and to celebrate the launch we’re giving away six spools of 12lb Krystonite mono, one each to the six best shots. There’s a voting system on the Gallery where we can all vote for each other’s pictures…….. but, the votes have absolutely nothing to do with the result of this competition. Just as it said in the article that launched the competition, the winners have been chosen by the editor, me, and if in any instance that coincides with a picture that has attracted a high vote, that’s all it is, coincidence, and maybe an indicator that others have the same good taste as me! What I decided to do to help with the judging is make six categories and award the prizes to the best shot in each. The six categories are: Best Stillwater Scene Not easy to judge, simply because the Photo Gallery has proven to be far more popular than we imagined, with getting on for 400 images submitted so far. And in some categories no one shot stood out so far above the rest. But…. THE WINNERS ARE: Best Stillwater Scene – Phil Hodgson Nothing particularly remarkable about this shot at first glance and then the more you look at it the more the mysterious atmosphere it exudes grows on you. You think it could have done with some colour but the subdued monotone suits the mood just right. The only real criticism I have is that it could have done with the horizon straightening.
Best River Scene – John Conway A lovely, peaceful and colourful shot of the Lune in autumn with the fallen leaves resting on the mirrored surface. I would have liked to have seen the shot at its maximum Gallery size of 500 pixels.
Best Trophy Shot – Rob Tudor Lots of trophy shots to choose from but this one is an excellent example of a good trophy shot. It’s a big fish, it’s framed well, the fish is held properly and it’s generally pleasing to look at.
Most Humorous Shot – Warren Gaunt Knowing the banter that flies between these pair (Wol Gaunt and Barney Knowles) I thought this was an excellent shot in both senses of the word. It made me laugh out loud and that was enough to make it a winner. But next time Wol, get the nail varnish colour right (it’s more of a shade of pink) and don’t nick an editorial picture!
Most Artistic use of Photo Editing Software – Chris Bishop Great picture from Chris who has turned what could have been just another mundane beach shot into something much more powerful and moody with the use of colour on the boat on a mono canvas.
Best of the Rest – Scott Lockey The lad looks as pleased as punch and that was how it made me feel when I saw the picture. The background is somewhat unusual and the mood of the picture is generally ‘feel good’.
All winners please send me your street address and your spool of Krystonite will be in the post. Details of the Gallery and a guide to how to use it can be found here. |