With pike fishing well and truly with us from now until mid March there will be a good number of anglers setting out to catch them for the very first time. Trouble is, few, if any, of them will know how this great fish should be fished for and handled correctly once they’ve caught one. Well, help is at hand from ace predator angler Budgie Burgess, who is hoping to set up a pike fishing teach-in, which will be held over a weekend. The teach-in will take place in the club house on the banks of Angling Projects, Wraysbury, located near Staines, just off J13 of the M25, where everyone will meet up on a Saturday at 9am. Instructions on tackle, rigs, making traces, baits and locating the pike will follow.
Following a light lunch it’s off to the lake to learn about bite indication, striking, handling and location. Budgie says, “Regardless of the success of the fishing I always have a dead pike on hand (made available from a trout fishery) to allow the demonstration of handling and deep unhooking techniques.” On Sunday there is chance to fish all day and put all you’ve learned into practice and enjoy some personal instruction from Budgie. Overnight accommodation and early morning breakfast is available, baits and tackle are also available for those who don’t have any of their own. The cost of all this? Absolutely nothing! “All I ask is for people to make a donation on the day towards the Angling Projects/Second Chance charities. These are run by Les Webber, whose facilities and water we will be using. He has been getting kids out fishing for over 25 years now and has recently managed to even get angling accepted into the schools curriculum! All this is funded by voluntary contributions.” Says Budgie. So now it’s up to you if this very special opportunity gets off the ground between now and Christmas. |