Surveys of fishing tackle, baits, etc, are fine if they’re fair and far reaching and give the person who takes part a fair cross section of gear from which to make a choice. Not like one recent survey in a weekly angling newspaper that left out the major player in a survey of fishing websites! A bit like having a survey of auction websites and leaving out Ebay! Anyway, how can we be absolutely fair and make it possible for anglers to be able to vote for ANY tackle or bait they wish to vote for? With no influence from anyone in the way of restricting the list of gear? Easy – use the FM User Review system. Not only can you give a thumbs-up to the gear you like, you can also give a thumbs down to the gear you don’t like. Rate it or slate it is the name of the game. Any gear or bait that isn’t included in the already massive list of tackle and bait to choose from, just tell us and we’ll add the brand name and you can then add any product that carries that brand label. No brand is too big or too small to be included in our database. Okay, so the FM User Review system isn’t exactly a survey, in that it isn’t specifically designed to reveal the most popular products. Oh no, it goes much further than that. The FM User Review system reveals something much more important – it reveals WHY a product is popular, or WHY it should be avoided like the plague. It tells you the good points and the poor points about a product and often it gives the user’s opinion on what can be done to improve it. Now that really is useful information, for armed with such knowledge the reader can make an educated choice. Running alongside the User Reviews are our Editorial Reviews and a link to the forum where the gear can be discussed.
Also, equally important, is the fact that the User Review section is widely read by the manufacturers. They want to know what we think of their gear and bait, and what we think they can do to improve it. And when that happens we all benefit. Already there are more than 1,100 User Reviews in the system, waiting for you to browse through and weigh one product against another, similar product, before you part with your cash; more than 1,100 reviews for the manufacturers to study in their search for inspiration and tips that lead to better products. So come on, join FISHINGmagic’s growing band of User Reviewers and help someone make a wise choice when they have hard-earned burning a hole in their pocket. And while you’re at it help the manufacturers to produce the best possible gear and bait. YOU can help to grow this extremely useful database. Instead of just jumping on the forum to praise your gear, or moaning and whinging about it to anyone who will listen, put your views where they matter, in the FM’s User Review system, and build this database, this archive, into the most powerful and beneficial resource for anyone who buys or produces angling products. Power to the People! The people who matter that is, reviews of products by the people that matter – the users, those who forked out the green and used the gear on the bank. It’s in your hands. Rate it or slate it. Use it or lose it. The FISHINGmagic User Review System and make your views known about the tackle and bait you use. A guide to using the system can be found. And as if you needed any more incentive you could win a decent prize for submitting the best review of the month! |