Component parts to make a Quick Change Rig. The eye of the Gemini snood clip (top left) has to be opened with pliers to accommodate the swivel (click for bigger picture)
When you fish through or into darkness you don’t want to be messing around making up hooklengths and tying knots in the dark. Not that you can’t do that but it’s so much easier, and safer, in daylight.
Besides, if the fish are feeding, day or night, and you want to get a bait back in the water as quickly as possible, then a quick change rig scores every time.
The links can be covered with silicon tube for extra safety and to prevent tangles (click for bigger picture)
So here are a couple of examples of how a quick change rig could be constructed. Other parts from other manufacturers may suit you better, but the principle will be the same.
About the Rigs Page
The Rigs Page is a library of features to illustrate all those rigs that will be useful to both beginners and experienced anglers.
The rigs can be extremely simple and well known, or very complicated and little known, it doesn’t matter providing they make some kind of sense and have a really practical application.
It could be a standard running leger rig that a beginner will appreciate seeing in pictures, or a very complicated anti-eject carp rig that the experienced carp angler would like to see.
If you wish to contribute a rig to this section please remember that the emphasis is on illustration rather than words. Good line drawings are fine in the absence of photographs. Please send to