Rahja Spice was a case of pure self indulgence – and why not?The Rahja was a bait I made for my own fishing, a bait to use alongside ‘Hot Chilli’ hemp which I’d been so lucky to stumble on a few years before most others. I have to admit that by nature I’m a bit stubborn and don’t like following trends or conforming to what’s generally accepted as the norm. I was fishing the Mangrove at the time and almost everyone was on fishmeal baits from a variety of suppliers. I decided to go against the grain and put a totally different type of bait together.
My favourite food is Indian. I love curry in its various forms and also enjoy cooking and creating my own. It was whilst mixing several spices one evening that I started to get the idea of a curry type bait utilising natural ingredients. The more I started to think about it the more I became convinced that this sort of bait would have been so rarely seen anywhere before and would be a perfect complement to the Chilli Hemp I was using at the time. I went along the lines I usually go with my baits. A flavour for quick release, other ingredients to give a slow release then essential oils and natural ingredients and spices to retain taste if the baited area isn’t visited for some time. After searching around in various Chinese/Asian/Indian supermarkets I came up with the final finishing touches to the bait I wanted to create.
Rahja Spice was born and the rest is historyRahja Spice is now the biggest selling bait in the Quest range, overtaking Special Crab in the sales stakes last year. It’s a true 12 months of the year bait – definitely no need to be changing baits as the weather starts to cool down with this one. Instant everywhere it goes it’s understandably the number one choice for more than one of the small army of Quest Baits field testers. Rahja is also the bait I use to compare the effectiveness of new baits to… something I’m constantly working on. As time goes on we see more and more catch reports coming through highlighting that it’s particularly effective on waters where the carp have seen just about every type of boilie… the more anti-boilie the carp seem to be the more the Rahja Spice seems to shine through and produce the goods. Proof that it really is just that little bit different… Best Fishes, Shaun Harrison |