The Agenda will include:

Angling Trust Campaign News – John Cheyne, Angling Trust

Riverfly Monitoring – Ben Fitch, Anglers’ Riverfly Monitoring Initiative Coordinator

Environment Agency Work in the Catchment – Mark Bennett, Environment Agency

British Record Fish Committee, Documenting British Fishing History


This meeting is free to attend and open to all. It is aimed at ALL freshwater anglers, Coarse and Game. It is a key opportunity to hear about the work of the Angling Trust, be updated on how the Environment Agency spends your rod licence money and is a fantastic opportunity to tell the Angling Trust what YOU think their priorities should be. We will also have a fascinating look at the work of the British Record Fish Committee and some of the amazing British Record Fish. There will be time allocated for Q&A with all speakers

It looks like being a fascinating meeting, so if you love angling and live in the South East, make sure you attend. To register, just click the link below



Please feel free to pass this on to angling friends and colleagues by using the link below, or better still, cajole them into coming along with you !