Shimano Say “It wouldn’t be carp fishing without Baitrunner”
The number of bandwagon branded reels has never been as numerous in this sector of the carp market, and yet curiously Shimano Baitrunners are selling more than ever before. Surprising? Well not really, as the pioneers, original innovators not forgetting market leaders in this specialised reel category for nearly two decades – there was always going to be some unhealthy competition. Sadly most flatter to deceive and all the spare spools in the world are no use when the reel packs in!
Nice big spool (and an equally good spare in grey) and good line-lay
Shimano Baitrunners on the other hand will give you years of hassle free fishing and are backed up by an award winning after sales service that is second to none.
Improvements to the power roller
So now we are introducing the new Super Baitrunner XTE-A range of reels for anglers who demand only the best when it comes to a Baitrunner. Ranging in size from 5000 to 10000, there’s a size to suit all anglers in the XTE-A family.
The Baitrunner lever is more efficient and neater
The XTE-A contains considerable improvements around its free spool tension and rear drag systems, for easier control. A look inside the new reel will reveal the latest generation of gearing, oscillation and drag systems
It looks better and it feels better are the first impressions, and now I’ve used one for a while I know it is better.
A good reel is like a good rod, you pick it up and you know in an instant if you’re going to enjoy using it. Never mind what the specs are, how many million ball bearings, for all that is useless if it doesn’t feel right. This reel does. You can tell with your eyes shut that it’s a top of the range Shimano.
Most people call vacuum cleaners ‘Hoovers’, even when it could be a vacuum cleaner made by another manufacturer. It’s the same with free-spool reels and one hell of a compliment to Shimano. Shimano will tell you if you use their trademark name of ‘Baitrunner’ when referring to any other make of free-spool reel – there’s only one Baitrunner, they invented it and there are none better. Especially now they’ve introduced this XTE-A range with all its improvements.
The Baitrunner facility has benefitted from one of the improvements, it’s crisper and more positive right from the moment you turn the handle to disengage it when you get a run.
The line lay is better, and it wasn’t bad before. And the drag and Baitrunner tension adjustment has a greater sensitivity, as well as a greater range, from spinning freely to clamped down hard and fast.
Excellent improvements to the drag and Baitrunner tension knob design
One thing that hasn’t received much of the hype but which is a very important improvement is the new design of the moulded rubber drag and baitrunner tension adjustment knobs. Apart from being ergonomically better there is nowhere near as much room for dust and mud to creep its way into the innards of the reel.
Lubrication port – great idea
And no longer will you have to take the side off the reel to oil the innards, now that there is maintenance port and a free bottle of lubricant in the box. This should be standard on all reels.
There are other improvements, some of which you won’t know anything about until you’ve used and abused the reel over a season or more and noted how it’s stood up to it. Casting, using the baitrunner and especially playing a fish, was a joy.
For now, go along to your nearest tackle shop and give one a spin. You’ll know then that you need to upgrade your old Baitrunners, even if you don’t realise it right now!