The ATTx Remote System from Advanced Technology Tackle | |
Advanced Technology Tackle Say The micro-sized Transmitter can transmit pulses to the receiver over a range of up to 250 metres (subject to atmospheric conditions). The Transmitter uses two CR1025 button cells for power and has no power impact on the alarm it is plugged into. It should last a whole season on one set of batteries. The ergonomically designed Receiver boasts 5 independent channels, with different coloured LED’s to indicate which channel is active. The receiver can therefore receive signals from up to 5 different transmitters. I’ve been umming and arrring for sometime (well, I do live in Devon!) about getting a remote system for my buzzers, but really didn’t want to have to change my whole system for the odd occasion I needed it.
Let me explain…. I don’t see why people use them for the majority of the time on a lot of waters. You see people sitting 10ft from their rods – buzzers turned full up, remotes full up – what’s that all about? I also don’t like the way people wander off up the bank when fishing snags. But remote receivers can have their uses. One swim I fish the rods are 10yds or so out in the water to get around the corner into a bay. Add to this a howling gale and driving rain, it can be difficult to hear the alarms. I also like having the buzzers turned down during the day, and especially when fishing close in – whether the fish can hear the buzzers or sense the vibration down the line is a contentious issue, but then again, why risk it. So after looking at the options I settled on the ATTX system from Advanced Technology Tackle, for a couple of reasons: