Split Lake

Roger Sturt with ‘Orange’ at 30lb

The Split Lake is often forgotten by many anglers but it hasproduced some superb fish in recent weeks including many 20lb carp,catfish to 35lb, bream to 12lb 8oz, tench to 8lb and grass carp to21lb 8oz. The top results over the past week have fallen to RogerSturt who topped a haul of a 21lb grass carp and 22lb mirror with themagnificent Orange Fish, pictured here, at a weight of 30lb.


Viv Shears and Ian Welch with the
new Pads Lake 30

The Pads Lake on the Nutrabaits Yateley Complex now has twodifferent 30lb carp following the introduction last weekend of thislightly scaled 32lb mirror from an RMC Angling stock pond. We aresure it will not be the last 30 either, the way things are goingthere will soon be several!

The Pads Lake carp continue to grow at a terrific rate with themajority of the 100 Fishers Pond strain fish now over 20lb in weight.The four-acre fishery is looking in absolutely prime condition forthe grand opening on 01 June 2001.


Mick Heathcote and his 35lb cat

Hot on the heels of a venue record 35lb 8oz catfish to AndyEverett comes this different fish of 35lb which fell to Nottinghamangler Mick Heathcote who presented a boilie in the margins of the9-acre Bedfordshire pit.

The big lake at Jones Pit has been in quite superb form for bothcarp and catfish this spring but still no sign of the albino catfishfor which the venue is most famous.

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