Every now and then someone invents a little gadget that you justknow is going to make your life a good deal easier.

For many years I have fished into the night for all species offish including chub, roach and barbel and like many others I have hadproblems with mounting night-lights on the rod tip.
Most of the conventional solutions cause their own problems. Fixedmountings invariably become magnets for loops of line to wrap round,making a mockery of ones casting and doing the most amazing things toone’s blood pressure!
This becomes an even bigger issue if you like to use the same rodfor trotting during the daytime and then ledger with at night as manyowners of Avon-type rods will testify. Equally if you are a memberof the two night-lights on a quivertip school those mountings areoften a real pain.
These are now things of the past!
Enterprise Tackle have come up with a wonderfully simple adaptorwhich works superbly. It consists of two parts, a one-piece mouldingwith a soft rubber inner which folds around the rod or quivertip anda length of silicon tube that holds the moulding firm to the rod andholds the night-light.
The adaptors come in two sizes and will fit both quivertips andthe tops of Avon-type rods. The possibility of creating a sea rodsize is being mooted at present.
They are fitted in seconds and will not damage your rod tip.
The system works well and should be a big seller. The price is£ 1.95p per pack and there are two units in each pack.
If you have difficulty in getting these locally you can get themfrom:
Enterprise Tackle
6 Darlington Close,
Middlefield Ind Estate,
SG9 1RW.
Their web site is www.enterprisetackle.co.uk