The Specialist Angler’s Alliance (SAA) who, as the umbrella organization for the majority of specialist angling groups is encouraged that the significant results of the Anglers Say national angling poll clearly confirm that anglers will accept a levy on the rod licence. The levy, if introduced, would be ‘ring-fenced’ in order to fund a professional management structure to protect, promote and enhance the sport.
“We are pleasantly surprised that a £ 10 levy has been endorsed, even though the comprehensive package of benefits that would need to go hand in hand with this, has not yet been outlined” commented Mike Heylin, Secretary of the SAA. “However, the SAA believes that our proposal for a unified representative body could be achieved, with nearer to 100% acceptance on the back of a 3% levy, which equates to just 66p a year on a full licence” added Mike. In addition the SAA proposal includes the introduction of a rod licence for recreational sea fishermen contributing the same levy rate and a suggestion that the Environment Agency expand its operations to include marine activities out to the 12 mile limit. Anglers Say is currently undertaking a qualitative survey of its voters to examine the SAA proposal in detail. This suggestion is currently under consideration by the major angling bodies. |